~ Sweet Army of Light, it is I, Indriel with a message pertaining to
your role in the Ascension process and in the formation of the incoming
New Earth. I speak to you today of your vocation. No, not the
vocation you perform at this time in your role as a 3rd dimensional
human being, but of the true calling of your heart. It is essential for
each and every warrior of peace to give serious contemplation to what
beckons you, as the onset of dramatic change and cultural upheavel lay
just over the horizon. I am, however, elated to say that for a
pleasantly increasing number of you, the dream of doing your life’s work
is being manifested into reality. How wonderful this is for us to see!
~ The winds of change are upon you, Dear Hearts, and these changes
shall come swiftly and sweep away all that is not of the light. You
think we jest, as you have been anticipating the time when something,
anything at all of a physically tangible nature should make itself known
to the masses. I tell you now that this day approaches, and it brings
with it a blessed sense of relief and a freedom from tyranny for which
you all have so longed. Do not ask for dates, do not try to jam the
Divine Plan roughly into the outgoing concept of linear time. For it
shall fit there no better than a round puzzle piece should fit into a
square hole. Simply trust this to be so, and know that many of the jobs
you hold right now cannot exist, nor should the they exist, within the
constructs of a 5th dimensional society that is based solely in Unity
~ Do not think we are unaware of your feelings of confusion regarding
this particular facet of your journey. We know that this has been the
cause of many a sleepless night. “What is my life-purpose”? “What is my
true calling”? “How shall I pursue my dreams and at the same time
provide food for my family?” These are some of the most frequently
heard questions that you pose to us. I am here to help you discover
these answers for yourselves, so that you may more effectively create a
wonderful tableau for your New Earth experience. Let us begin by
examining what you are doing now, within the course of your typical
day. Does the work you do fulfill you? Do you feel exhilarated upon
completion of a task or energetically depleted and drained? Do you feel
a connection to your work? Do you feel that what you do is of service
to others, to the community and to yourself? Do you approach the new
day with a sense of anticipation or with a feeling of dread? Are you
proud of what you you do? And most importantly-why did you initially
make the choice to do it? The answers to these questions are
self-explanatory and require no further illustration from me.
~ Go far within and focus on what it is you deeply desire, what you
have always been called to do but have never had the financial means to
accomplish, or possibly the timing was not right. Ask yourself why you
are drawn to do this thing, how it makes you feel as you envision
yourself in this particular role. Is this calling originating from the
heart or from the mind? Does it require a sacrifice of your personal
ideals and morals, or does it flow as naturally as a river to the sea?
Do you face continual resistance in the accomplishment of this goal, and
does it require the manipulation of the people and the natural energies
around you? If you must suffer, be untrue and choke the very life out
of the situation you are in so that it continues to function, then I
can assure you that it is high time for a deep re-evaluation of your
current path. Living in a state that unnaturally lowers your vibration
is unhealthy. If you are a Lightworker, this is doubly detrimental, as
you are hardwired to share your own elevated vibration and uplifting
energy with collective whole. Of course, your true calling shall not be
without effort or even some small struggle, but overall it should feel
joyful and rewarding almost every step of the way.
~ So, how do you discover this true path of the heart? I say, find
something to love in each and every day. Be it great or small, seek the
joy and you shall find it staring you straight in the eye. Choose a
thing you enjoy, a tiny undertaking is fine. A walk in the forest, a
delicious food to eat, a trip to the cinema or tea with a friend.
Please stop delaying, as all is in the Now. Think about your talents
and special interests. What are you repeatedly being guided to do, but
have set aside for ‘practical’ reasons? We of your Home frequencies may
provide you with a wealth of ideas, should you simply take the time to
ask! Many of you are crewmembers form the multitude of starships
encircling the planet, and have thriving careers aboard these vessels.
At times, the information you are receiving is a loving reminder of
your ‘true-life’ talents, and a gentle encouragement for you to pursue
them whilst on Earth. Your dream needn’t be a costly undertaking,
either. Do not uproot the lives of yourself and your family in your
pursuits, but begin slowly to take the first and smallest steps. Set
your intentions and visualize yourself in your chosen role, each day, in
a short meditation. And do not prematurely assume that others will not
support you. Have faith! Have the confidence in yourself that we have
in you.
~ Dear Lightholders, we know full well the situation that exists on
Earth at this time. We are not blind to the stranglehold the Old Regime
has upon you still. But as the last domino falls, so will the very
institutions which hold you captive; the noose is loosening and your
freedom is a promise from us to you. Before you know it, a history long
forgotten will be revealed for all to see. I speak of clear historical
revelations, great references to your Star Brethren which is set to be
unearthed and presented to all who are inclined to know and hear.
History, not lies, shall be taught to the willing public. Remember
this; you cannot build a castle upon a pile of rubble. It takes time
to clear the last of it away and when the debris is finally gone, you
shall be limitless in every sense of the word. Yes, it feels like an
eternity until it happens. But the wait is nearly done, and I call to
you to ready yourselves for the next chapter in the story of your lives.
Hold love in your heart for the lost, as it is they that you shall be
called to serve in the days to come. You are loved and you are blessed.
I am Indriel, Servant to those who serve The Light. I am here for you, always.
Archangel Indriel. ~ By AuroRa Le. May 29, 2012.
Copyright©Bella Capozzi http://theangeldiaries.org/
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