From Agartha with Love as a Collective Messenger, 5 October, 2012
Hello we are from within your planet that we all term Gaia and we
wish to communicate with You as a collective today and have returned to
discuss current situations on your planet and in your United States as
to those that have ceaselessly carried out the whims of those that
proclaim themselves the ruling class of the current dimension.
Patrick: If you do not mind I would like to discuss the recent
spraying of the skies around Los Angeles, California as I am under the
impression that these have stopped or slowed down considerably and of
course there is no way to know for sure. It has been 3 days of constant
activity in the skies around here
Agartha: Those sprayings you refer to over the city of Angels and
other cities of significance are the last remnants of an oligarchy
attempting to cause a last ditch series of events that they feel will
ultimately lead them to a victory, a form of their creation or a type of
‘Ha ha, you can’t stop me”.
Their methods are more scattered than they have been before. As you
witnessed at Mount Shasta they attempted to spray before this last
Equinox and were thwarted in their efforts by forces unseen. Please
trust your insight. We saw that you noticed the start and stopping of
their spray tactics. Those forces could not complete their grid pattern
and called off their efforts and left the area. You intuitively knew
this and also witnessed this.
As you could see over the City of Angels, their trails of attempted
chemical spraying were intermittent unlike in the past. Their mechanisms
for the spraying have been interfered with as to make the solution
placed into the environment inert.
Patrick: I think my brothers and sisters within their heart hear this
and may at some level within the soul know this but how can we be sure
that the groundwork and efforts of those that attempt to harm are being
diffused? How can we be sure that the ingredients or that within the
spray is indeed harmless and that this is an exercise in futility.
Agartha: We understand your concern and we will address this question
by saying that the spray itself is harmless as the essence of the
harming compounds within the liquid pumped into their machines was
indeed neutralized before it entered the plane in much the same way the
H1N1 had been neutralized and the corresponding vaccine, the swine flu
was neutralized and its corresponding vaccine, the bird flu was
neutralized and its corresponding vaccine and the most recent soap box
antics of whooping cough in your country has been neutralized and never
materialized. Let us look back and see how the press touted their
owner’s wishes to create a panic so that vaccinations were to be
generously and freely given to the public in the name of a humanitarian
effort. Were these diseases ever spread far and wide?
As you well know the answer is that those man-made diseases never
came to fruition as those whom created them desired, and as such there
will never be another epidemic or another pandemic that is created and
proclaimed by the few that deem themselves at the top.
The issue at stake here for those that claim superiority is that there
is only one direction that can be traveled once at the perceived top of
the mound, one of their own creation. Just like a drug addict cannot
blame others for their downturn those at the top can only stay in that
position for a relatively short period of time, as you know it.
Eventually the drug addict hits what you call a bottom and then has only
one direction to travel if the clarity of the individual is present.
That direction is one of the Phoenix that can rise from the ashes in
glorious splendor. The magnificence of this act is not the rising above
in this manner but that an individual makes a concerted effort to rise
above him or herself while in a state of uncertainty, to rise above with
all the love of self-one can muster. For those that exist on this
planet to control, thieve and harm are all created with the same ‘stuff’
as everyone else that has come forth in this time and in this space;
with love, kindness, light and a desire to be a friend to those that
would ask.
So those that are in, as you term, the dark, have chosen a path that
is ultimately here to assist those brothers and sisters to decide and
declare what it is they truly desire; that of peace, those tenants of
harmony, that of a clear and decisive health of body, spirit and mind
and an experience of abundance in all things in the time of here and
now. Inadvertently they have created their own demise.
Are these not the things that all choose? So those that have chosen
to harm are here for a purpose, to show those aware that there truly is
another way, one not of servitude but one of service, one not of fear
but one of joy and a faith and a knowingness that all is and will be
okay. A gift has been given in that the motivations to change almost
always result from contrary action. Slavery in the past of the United
States was man created and the act of eliminating physical slavery is
also of man’s creations arising from that which you as a collective
decided did not work and afterwards you as a race began to choose
differently. Again slavery of the physical form was also created by
those few that considered themselves at the top to serve those that
considered themselves separate and to create that sense of separation
from those that deemed themselves superior against a backdrop of those
they considered not at the pinnacle of man-created wealth.
As you of the heavens are wholly aware there exists another form of
slavery that is much more subtle but has all the trappings of a form of
servitude that is harsher than the whippings and manacles of people in
times from your past. For the realizing of this form of hardship at
first created anger within, and by the light of your consciousness you
realized that this awareness was also man made and designed to enslave
you once again. This is how you of the light power perceive your
environment in these times of the now and why you have also chosen to
create differently.
We from Agartha are here to assist so that, if you choose, you may
realize that those within the darkness of their own creating were not
prepared for an unleashment of the most powerful force on your planet,
in the space and in all of the cosmos; this power is what you reading
this have come to know as Love.
Let us think back in a time scale as to why the groups that decided
to control decided that a power as Love would not and could not be
allowed to flourish on the surface. We here within and above this planet
believe you all know the answer. For no matter how powerful ones who
control believe themselves to be above there is absolutely nothing that
can counter the effects and the power of Love when given directly from
the soul, when offered from the heart without asking for nothing in
return. Think why this power has been stifled until now.
Thank them that have oppressed for they have shown you exactly what
it is you do want for yourselves by virtue of experiencing what you do
not want. In this way your Albert Einstein was correct about his
thoughts and papers on the issue of relativity. For if there is no
perceived injustice how can one find it in them self to create and feel a
justice, such as an equality of all, not equality for those few at the
top of a financial heap or those with the most powerful weapons.
We know you all have now experienced the power of Love ceasing all
major destructive elements on this planet. To be repetitive those
weapons that have been created to harm or cease the existences of great
masses have been not allowed their intended purpose. We realize this is
not new information but it bears repeating as it directly relates to our
discussion today with Patrick and you that are reading. Repetition
breeds remembrance.
Patrick: We here on the surface choose to believe all that has been
said about the dark and that their empire is crumbling, the minions of
the labeled cabal are jumping ship and those that are here to assist;
the white knights and the positive military. I do have a belief in God;
although I can experience a God or a creative force in my life I do not
have empirical evidence that there is a God. Does this negate the
experience for me? Absolutely not for I have had experiences that if it
was just up to my being in my experiences here I know I would have
chosen differing paths at various periods of my existence here without
the assistance of something benevolent and guiding.
So we do see signs of a crumbling financial empire in the news and I
think the majority believe that it is now being held together by a few
at the top of their own perceived heap by duct tape. After time though
even duct tape wears out and loses its strength when exposed to light.
We (our brothers and sisters of light) have read stories of nuclear
weapons in Britain and the Unites States and their missile launches
failing. We saw North Korea’s missile launch fail and it appears they
have realized that they still cannot explain why it failed and have no
plans for a another launch.
I suppose, if I could speak for others, we would like to see
something concrete that reinforces our “see…I told you so!” factor. I do
believe. I do feel that all that we hear is so. This has been slow to
materialize and as in the beginning I wanted to believe what is being
proclaimed about our soon to be experienced freedom and then I felt I
had to tap on the brake a little, not screech to a halt but slow down
and observe. I know from some past head knocks that it is best to tread
slowly but boldly and sometimes take a break and observe a little.
I talked with some of my family and friends about some of the
freedoms to come awhile back and it is no one’s fault, but there is a
definite CNN mindset with the majority. It was necessary to learn this
quickly. So now I have decided afterward to just toss out a snippet of
information and see how the hook was approached. They said “none of this
is on CNN or FOX so surely this cannot be true”. I just felt that it
was not my responsibility to force feed something that could not be
grasped or would not be embraced. Not my job. So I post on various sites
and create a program of attraction and one not of promotion for there
are certainly others out there that are aware, on a deep level, that
changes are occurring even though it takes some curtain lifting on the
internet to disseminate all of the various conflicting sources.
Those of us reading this are fortunate in that we have learned that
no matter the source, trusted or untrusted we have the power of
resonance to peel back the onion layers of alternate news, so called
channelings, authors and bloggers to create a healthy heart space in as
far as information is concerned; it is within all of us we just need to
access that power and be willing to be open to its discerning glory.
Agartha: There are those that have chosen to stay with the beliefs
that have formed as they have occurred over lifetimes because to have
another shatter one’s beliefs creates the statement that “what I have
been thinking, saying and acting all this ‘time’ is a farce” and this is
too much change to absorb for the average individual that may not be
open to change. Worry not as all who embrace the new world paradigm as
You are seeing it play out have a space, a task that will be involved in
the assistance of those that choose to ‘see the light’. We joke but in
spirit this is a truth.
The forcing of issues on others has been the paradigm of old of
religions and governments and has never worked efficiently. We will use
the example of, those that become addicted to harmful substances once
again. When one chooses to cease the ingestion of these substances or
modify their behavior so that they may get their wife or family back or
get the right and perfect job or not go to be incarcerated or for a
reason outside of themselves and does not chooses to cease this behavior
for the benefit of their own being, the results are rarely lasting. Yet
when one decides that they wish to halt this form of self-destruction
because they feel compelled by their inner-self then the chances are
improved that longevity will be with them in their endeavor, for finally
they have chosen to accomplish something for themselves by themselves.
This is why the most successful forms of organizations are those that
allow the people to govern themselves, to shape their own environment
in the form of equality for all in their structures, rules (if any) and
their financial well-being and that their leaders are but trusted
servants, to quote a famous and successful group on your surface. Keep
your eye on Iceland and the people’s progress in that nation. We
elaborate on issues affecting your family on the surface so that You may
continue to realize why it is that You all are here for.
As You are all aware there is rarely a practical experience that is
seen with the eyes, something that you can touch with your finger or
clearly see with your mind, yet we ask that you go to your place of
knowing, deep within, that you find your comfort. There is a reason that
more and more of your family on Gaia are now joining the path of
creating a world by and for the people and this is because this movement
intrinsically feels good, it feels as if it is meant to be and most are
aware, to certain degrees, that something is inherently not right in
the outside world yet are not sure how to alter its course.
Patrick: We would like to believe, and I apologize for the pushing of
the topic, and we want to be a part of… But I am sure most of us would
like to experience tangible results. There are those that are
financially destitute and do believe, and there are those that have
severe health issues and would truly like to believe, and there are
those of us that choose to believe but their hope is waning.
Could we receive some sort of clarity, some sort of physical aspect
of the process of either Ascension that is currently playing out or
perhaps a small juicy hint of abundance being dispersed to those in
Agartha: We will be glad to assist in the understanding of the
processes currently taking place and we will tell You this; You of your
movement towards a more satisfying experience on Your Gaia are creating
just that. Just think of the dictator that tells his people that they
have all they want yet the people know different and to the world they
are expected to act as if…What would happen if a group of advanced
beings came in and said we will give you a better way of life, we will
give you a more abundant and joyful set of experiences for you and your
All their lives they have been told what to think, what to do and
what to feel. If a group came in and all of a sudden altered their
current state of reality without raising their consciousness do you
believe it would take root and grow towards a positive outcome?
A great example is that of your lottery winners where overnight those of
destitution have millions of dollars at their disposal and what happens
over and over again? Within a short period of time the money has
vanished and the lottery winner is often far worse off than before.
There is a simple explanation for this and it is because their
consciousness was not sufficiently raised to account for a differing
life experience, even though it was a step in a positive direction. They
continued to stay in a poverty consciousness and as such continued to
create the same thing yet once again. So it is the power of thought of
people that are aware or unaware. We may suggest that one be aware of
your environment and what thoughts you may tell yourself
Those that are formless, our angelic family members, those in the
cosmos and those of us within Gaia have been nudging You and waiting
with you of the surface to raise the majority consciousness so that when
the time comes to meet, your beliefs are not shattered, that you are in
a ready state of mind and thought to accept that which is divinely
decreed, which is Your Ascension upward and a meet and greet with your
family of space. This is why those of You that know and have raised the
bar of consciousness for yourselves and each other are to be those that
will further assist those not quite up to same mileage marker.
Patrick: I see more clearly now and Thank You for explaining it so
simply. I do not even think I would have understood this even a year ago
although it would have felt right but I might not have registered it
properly. I also see now that it has always been up to ourselves to
facilitate our change and to raise our consciousness, and that is why
you have been jumping for joy when you see us take the bull by the reins
and assert concrete actions for the betterment of our family. For then
our transitions will be natural and will not be rooted in old behavior
such as fear, anger, worry, doubt or lack which I am assuming we could
easily slip back into, like the lottery winner, if we had not made a
conscious choice and continued our self-growth.
Agartha: You have grasped the message well Patrick. We will go now but are never far. We are from Agartha with love.
Patrick: Thank you!
Patrick Sullivan
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