August 11, 2012

The Tipping Point

Collective Consciousness ~ The Tipping Point ~  

 Greetings, this is St Germain. The conditions placed on your mind effect every action and reaction on Earth. As a duality Planet Earth is required to review every action taken and balance the scales of karma with sentence served. The best way to practice the rule of law is to allow the person who broke the rule to see the error of their ways and return to the whole that which was taken.

I want to say that during World War II I went with some of my Galactic Friends and had cigars with Adolph Hitler at Eagles Nest in the German Alps. Mussolini had sent Italian marble and there were grand fireplaces in a chateau which appears to float on clouds when the mist flows over the snowy mountain peaks, even in summer. We talked about him landing at Inner Earth with his military force and mapping the area. We talked to him about the contracts he made with the Zeta Reticulans and the harm the Abductions did to 100s of thousands of people. Most of these abductees did not recall the meatball surgeries and experiments performed on them until years later. We talked to him about his secret laboratories and experiments on humans. The reason we met with him was to ask him to turn his dark hat to a white hat. We asked him to offer the world free energy and advanced farming techniques and in return we would lesson his karmic load. He was intoxicated with power and respectfully declined. The history books say he died back then and that is not so. All the truth will be revealed to the masses as a path to healing at changeover.

I want to say that we went to Stalin, we went to Khomeini, we went to Sharon, we went to Nehru, we went to Mandela, we went to all of the Ones who abused their elected and appointed roles and we asked them to stop the atrocities. We went to the Ones you do not know the names of - the Ones in the Pentagon, the Ones in the Banks, the Ones who are Monarchs and we asked them to stop their illegal dealings. We offered each one a fair deal to help burn off some of their karma and give them a Path to the Light. Not One of the rich and famous, none - agreed. Some in their families and employees have cooperated and had their sentences reduced. Many of you say you forgive the atrocities and hope they return to the light. This is noble indeed, but it cannot turn out that way. There was a deadline to take this Path and it has come and gone. We are on the verge of No Time. It is according to Universal Law that they must be charged, stand trial and pay the price of their violation to humanity. If their crimes reach past Earth then they will be tried at the Solar Tribunal after their Earth trial and sentences will be compounded.

Much has been said about 2012. At least four years ago we could have come to completion with all of changeover. So much was blown up about 2012 that it made it so. When something grows in the Collective Conscious mind past the tipping point then it becomes so. Even channels who were saying back then we were a moment away knew it could have happened. Never did the Collective Consciousness come to the tipping point back then. They came close. The cabal used false flag techniques which spread like wildfire and it was the power they needed to keep everyone in fear. They used paid shills to tell stories of three days of darkness and evacuating Earth and needing a food supply and money on hand for survival. Collective Conscious back then believed the mortgage companies could bring in the police and throw them out of their houses. They believed there would be an outbreak of killer flu. They believed random shootings were insane citizens, not psy-ops. Every false provocation which hit News Corp and its many holdings around the world kept the Collective Consciousness from the tipping point. Perfectly intelligent people allowed their egoic conditioned minds to hold them captive from Earth Ascension. Every time you forward a false email it feeds the dark Ones and allows them to control your politics, governments, banks, mortgages, medical care, universities and military. Every time you forward a positive message it raises the light quotient of the Collective Consciousness and brings it closer to the tipping point. We are able to monitor the thoughts and feelings of Collective Consciousness and indeed are required to do this on Planets experiencing duality. It is how we know how to Guide you as individuals and as a group toward Ascension.

911. New Yorkers live in one of the, if not the, most privileged Cities on Earth. New Yorkers are exposed to a lot. New Yorkers are savvy. Even 12 years out from 911 many refuse to talk about the fact that the terrorists were the President, the Vice President, the Joint Chiefs of the Armed Forces, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State. These terrorists put on a play. They won best actor, best supporting actor, in fact all the roles were award winning. They fooled some of the most savvy, most intelligent men and women on the Planet. They committed a crime of psychological terror which has little been seen played out anywhere. Your conditioned minds told had you beleive you saw something that never happened. There was no plane crash. There were missiles, timed explosions, planes which flew over New York and landed in Canada and parked in underground storage. There were the National Security Agency dark hats who covered it all up with their advanced technology that they held since the time of Hitler. Extraterrestrial technology given to them in contracts designed to abuse the Collective Consciousness. Your conditioned minds controlled by what was shown in the media believed it all. Even the movies produced kept up the illusion. Violence grew everywhere increasing fears and tricking your minds. From cradle to grave your mind was controlled by fear. We watched and did not violate the Prime Directive of noninterference.

Slowly, slowly. Sometime around 2010 the cabal decided to use 2012 as a doomsday scenario. They encouraged scientists like Richard Hoglund to produce special programs hailing 2012. After filming and editing the cabal who financed the films made it look like it was an end of the world prediction. This fed the 2012 phenomena. We could have had changeover in 2010 had we kept our focus positive. This lead to a string of paid shills building the doomsday news all over the media. During this entire time the dark cabal always felt they had a chance of pushing down Collective Consciousness to the point of no return. Many of the paid shills said they were speaking for the Galactics or they were from another Planet bringing you a weekly message to prepare you. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Many readers had done no inner work and possessed no discernment to speak of. Any mention of ET was chapter and verse for them. The brave warriors of light stuck it out in the face of ridicule and often became discouraged themselves. If you ever wonder what your life Mission is I would say you only have One Mission - Ascending Earth. When that happens you may re-write your contract for a New Mission. Until then all individuals have only one job: Hold the Light & Be Love Incarnate.

When One does the inner work of learning to hold their consciousness detached from challenges and tests, they learn eventually nothing can take them off the Path to Enlightenment. When that happens the false flags hold no sway, no one can convince them otherwise. The false shills pronouncements seem absurd. This is why your thoughts effect the whole. Keep your thoughts positive. If a false flag lands in your inbox-let it die there. Delete, delete, delete. Use any technique you can to remain positive. It is not hard. It takes tenacity.

For the newly awakened, Welcome! To the Indigo Elders who never gave up, Congratulations! One benefit of allowing changeover to go this long has been adding many more souls to Ascension then previously thought possible. This is a very positive development. I came tonight to express my deep gratitude for all you have done to hold the light. The tipping point has been crossed. We are nearly there, stay tuned! I am St. Germain.

Through Elizabeth Trutwin, August 10, 2012

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