September 24, 2010

Transformation 6: From Here to There

August 3, 2010


My special greetings to all who will read this message: Between now and the end of 2012, the structures on Earth created by the dark energy and its human and non-human accomplices will collapse. These include governments, monetary systems, religions, educational systems, and health care systems. The oil and extractive industries, as well as major corporations will crumble. Your public utilities, media, and internet will no longer function. This is all part Earth’s healing for, as with any patient, her wounds must be cleaned before her healing (transformation) can commence.
Most of your current structures and beliefs are now being shown as rotten at their cores. Financial systems benefit the wealthy. Governments benefit those in power. The legal system functions for those who are a part of it. The churches preach to squeeze contributions from believers. Oil conglomerates and corporations exist to enrich management and stockholders, not customers. Educational institutions train the next generation to be passive and compliant robots for other structures. Your media serves those in power. Your enslavement has been quite cleverly and thoroughly constructed. Short of becoming a hermit, you cannot escape the structures and beliefs imposed on you. All of this must undergo a metamorphosis in order for a new Earth and a new civilization to emerge. As these structures break down, there will be a time of great chaos.
The Earth will be healed of the many wounds she has suffered at the hand of her human inhabitants. Her waters will be cleaned, as will as her land and air. This however cannot proceed until there is an end to the burning of fossil fuels, mining for minerals, and dumping waste. 2012 is not the end; it marks the beginning of a new era: Earth’s 4th dimension — a higher frequency, a lighter density for the planet and her inhabitants. As I have previously communicated, this new Earth will resemble the old in some ways, but not in others. Beyond 2012 lies a time of rebuilding a new civilization for Earth’s humans. It will emerge from a metamorphosis of the old, like mushrooms emerging from decaying matter, like new grass emerging from rich soil.
After the chaos a time of gradual reconstruction will emerge. Measured from today, this period will take from 3 to 5 years. Little will happen instantly. Those who are preaching instant transformation are misleading otherwise conscious people. Each person has the ability to manage his or her experiences in this lifetime. This experience management takes place against the backdrop of the existing environment. All about you is a created reality, energy slowed into matter, but you did not perform that task; it was done long before you appeared on the scene. You are the actors and actresses on the stage of your circumstances. You as individual humans do not have the ability to create your circumstances, experience them yes, create them no. The problem with seeing your circumstances, your environment, as of your own creation and attempting to change your reality by imaging it differently is that this type of reasoning will lead you to withdrawing from the practical side of your current circumstances. Withdrawing is not the reason for which you incarnated at this time and place. Experiencing life in this 3rd density, overcoming its restrictions, and moving into 4th dimension living is the reason for your incarnation.
The disintegration of the old is a necessary prelude to the emergence of the new. Yes all is energy; your physical world is but a slow form of energy, but it still obeys the laws of the universe: If one thing is to emerge, that which is currently in its place must disappear. This holds true for the current situation on your planet. The structures used to create your current civilization  (corporations, monetary systems, healthcare, schools, governments, media, and religions) will disappear. Unfortunately there are few pieces of these current structures that can be salvaged to construct the new. It is only when people realize that the current paradigm does not serve them that the there is a possibility to construct a new one. As long as people cling to their current ways, or refuse to admit how they impact their lives, there is little room for reconstruction.
This is not to dismiss the many new initiatives; some will ultimately bear fruit. They will be the foundation for the new Earth. The individual initiatives of ordinary people will ultimately emerge as the bedrock of the new. It will not be necessary for you to descend to the depths of a primitive society without modern conveniences like running water and toilets. Your new civilization will be constructed from bits and pieces of the old, minus the overarching structures and beliefs.
Nothing in the universe moves quickly, deliberately yes, quickly no. You can see it in the creation of galaxies, and in the growth of plants and animals. Their creation is not done in an instant. It is only the impatience of humans that would construct instantaneous solutions to situations that have taken many years to develop. Yes the higher dimensions are the path of ascension, but it is a path, not an instantaneous elevator ride.
The reason that change is taking so long, despite the desire of many for a better life, is that the situation is quite complex. First there are some who like things the way they are. Second there are many who would welcome change, but only on their terms, only by avoiding the rigors associated with the change. Third is the desire, on the part of those assisting this transition, to make it as painless as possible. Only a very tiny fraction of the whole of humanity is ready to move from the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension, by taking the necessary steps to uplift their consciousness while at the same time paying attention to their bodies’ needs and the needs of their environment. Many want to instantaneously ascend to the higher vibrations, yet they have done nothing more than wish for it. Wishing will not make it happen. Action makes things happen.
So it will take several revolutions about the sun star for Earth to return herself to a pristine state, and that will be with maximum assistance of your space brothers and sisters, and those of us from the celestial realm. Coupling all this with the dissolution of your structures and beliefs, and making the transformation as smooth as possible, will ensure a level playing field for the new Earth civilization. Then we shall see what Earth humans will do with that.
You will be assisted with electricity supplied by your space brothers and sisters. This will come first to the settlements of the Caretakers, second to the surrounding areas, and third to the larger population. Again it will not happen instantaneously in all areas. Again I say, yes, all is energy, but Earth controls all that is natural and she is dictating what will be on her new world. She plays an integral part in all creation on this planet, from newborn babies to tufts of grass. You as individual souls do not have the ability to instantly modify your physical surroundings. Yes you can create your experiences, but that is only against the backdrop of a willing planet.
So the time beyond 2012 will be a time of rebuilding. It will not be easy, as so little of the current structures and beliefs can be utilized. New structures will be put into place, in the context of Oneness and collaboration. New truths will emerge to replace old beliefs. Look about yourself today, how long does it take to change a belief? Years! How long does it take to construct a new institution? Years! Even with the benefit of living in the 4th dimension, it will still take several years for the fullness of the new Earth to emerge.
So a new civilization will slowly emerge after 2012. It will start in pockets that have been spared the worst of the chaos, due to their relatively benign attitudes and “fear-less-ness.” In these sacred pockets of community will emerge the new humans for the new Earth. Many are being led to these gathering places, knowing that they are to be part of the something new. Slowly they will emerge into viable communities, sustainable communities based on barter and collaboration, but living in love at a high standard of development, not cave dwellers. Your space brothers and sisters will come to mentor these communities. They will bring with them technologies that will enable these communities to develop quite rapidly – rapidly, not instantaneously.
During the dismantling and reconstruction process there will be many opportunities for soul growth, for experiencing, for setting examples, for leadership, and for discovering who you really are. It is a wondrous time to be present on Earth, a time of massive change, but also a time of great promise. All who are now present on Earth are invited to take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity.
If you are digesting this message then you are already functioning at a higher frequency. Recognize those situations in which you are without fear, without anger or anxiety, and when you are seeing all about you from a center of love. Find ways to remain in that state for longer and longer periods. In addition, discover the personal merkaba that will make your transition to the lighter densities much easier.
It is my wish that by spelling out the Earth transition that it will cause you to prepare yourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I look forward to interacting with you in the higher dimensions. I am Adrial; I wish you a wondrous journey through the transformation.
Thank you Adrial. Wow, what a change from your prior message.
In Truth, Love and Joy,
Rev. Mark Kimmel

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