Today let us not forget to mention the impending equinox. “Oh no!”, thinks our channel. “We are going to get the light and energy stuff again.” OK. We will spare you that… after we point out that not only will you receive it stronger than ever, but there will be subtle changes as you move into this last quarter of your solar year and also into new abilities to sustain higher and higher volumes and frequencies.
We also need not point out that the crazies are seemingly becoming contagious all around you. Many of you are wondering at yourselves for not becoming at least a little alarmed at what is happening and what is rumored to be about to happen. Congratulations on your newfound ability to stay anchored in your centers and focused on your intended self-improvement. Perhaps that is not the best thing to call it, but then, that is what you are doing.
There will be, and indeed are now attempts being made to throw the world into another full-blown war. This does not surprise you, nor does it surprise us. But there are just three months left in this momentous year, and a new world-wide war is not on the Divine Agenda. A very great deal will happen in this three months, and much of it will be very disconcerting to many people, but you will emerge into your new year in better shape than you are now. As we have said before, the world will not end and the sky is not falling.
What is happening is that you amazing creations of Mother/Father God, Creator of All That Is, are about the business of discovering and remembering who you are and what you are capable of. For that eventuality, dear hearts, we suggest you hold onto your hats and fasten your seatbelts. Even at this late date, there are relatively few of you who truly have any inkling of where you are heading.
You have heard us use many beautiful words and descriptions, but that is a far cry from the experience you are to begin very soon. It is as if we had told you about chocolate ice cream for many years and now you are about to get your first real taste of it. We have told you it is cold. We have told you it is creamy, delicious, and wonderful. But until you have actually tasted it, you have no idea the treat you are in for. If I hold the ice cream cone out in front you, all you need to do is reach out and take it. That, dear friends, is a very good metaphor for where you stand right now. And the best part is that there is enough for you and all of your friends and all of their friends. There is absolutely no lack of enough for everyone.
We will take care of distributing the ice cream cones. You make sure that you are ready, polite, patient, and careful not to drop yours on the playground. Well, actually, you couldn’t do that. But spare yourself being distracted at this point by any playground bullies.
We once again applaud you all for your efforts and your success. Stay this last short part of the course and we will continue to support you in all you do. And if you are one of those who have said “Hi” to us when you noticed our presence or little nudges lately, we say “Hi” back to you. We love you. Good day, dear ones.
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