Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We greet you with love in our hearts and blessings from the Pleiades.
As we monitor and survey the current situation on the Earth there are various places where our energy and attention is needed. We refer to these places as strongholds. From our ships and with our technology we direct energy to these places of imbalance and where there could be catastrophic conditions. This means that there is a high potential for earth changes that could erupt at any time. Right now there are more points than we have seen so we are quite busy. We suggest that you assist us too by meditating and focusing on your planet. Ask us to show you the points where your energy can help support the strongholds. Many of them are in your oceans. Feel into the energy of the Earth and let your inner guidance show you the way.
We are all in this process together. We use your love and Light. It is important that you focus your love and energy to the Earth and that you keep your hearts connected to each other. The situation is unstable. You will have many changes through 2012 and after.
The financial instability of your planet is but one example of the shifting of your old paradigms. It is best to accept that this is the way things are and find new ways to adjust and adapt. In this process the old ways that have been serving only the elite will fade into the past. Humanity will find greater sources of abundance. It is why we ask for your cooperation now.
The collapsing of time will hasten these changes. Have compassion with each other for these changes are stressful. Many resist them and it makes their lives challenging.
We ask you to stay alert and aware of all that is transpiring around you and within you. You need these levels of awareness to be where you are meant to be. Know that you will always be protected and guided. You must listen within. Your guidance systems are turned up like our guidance system.
Know that you are not alone. You are strong and that we will persevere even if times seem overwhelming. The changes are necessary for the Earth’s survival. You will recover and all will be greatly improved upon your planet.
Towards this end our fleets remain on alert around your planet. Many dedicated representatives from other star systems are participating in this process. You have our complete and total focus. We work at the request of our Creator. We only have your best interests in our hearts.
We anticipate that our time to meet with you with is forthcoming. We look forward to our reunion. Know that you are loved by your Pleiadian family. We are one.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
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