December 31, 2010

Exercise for Spirit Contact


by archangel Zadkiel

Greetings to you, my dear friends! I have been asked to include a lesson on how to channel. Channeling is an ability that is within everyone, because you are spirit, just like everybody else on earth, and spirits are able to communicate on an energy level, not just through voice, by speaking, and listening, which is a physical form of communication, but by the energy connection that binds all beings in the universe together. Therefore, once you learn to communicate the spirit way, physical distance becomes irrelevant. You will be able to communicate with your friends all around the planet earth, even with soul friends on other planets. However, it takes a lot of practice and patience to get this far.
This lesson was included upon request, if you do not think it is the time for you to make any contact with the spirit world, then this lesson can only show you how this contact works, there is no need for anyone to follow these instructions and do the exercise described below. This exercise is one of several ways to make a connection, there are others that may be just as suitable. From my point of view, this is the easiest way to make a safe contact.
For now, let us concentrate on one special area of spirit communication, the kind that has been named “channeling”, which is the communication with non-physical spirit beings. If you want to learn to channel, or speak out for, a spirit being, you first need to learn to reach a state of a quiet mind. This need not be total though silence, but using observation, you need to learn to distinguish between thought and non-thought. Most humans can experience at least short moments of non-thought during meditation, as well as in moments of high concentration of the mind – which is actually quite the opposite meaning of the literal meaning, because at such times the mind is not intense, but open – i.e. if you can concentrate on listening you are not in a state of intensified mind, but in an open mind, allowing the thoughts of the speaker to flow in, uncommented by your own thought. As soon as you comment in your mind, you are no longer concentrating on the speaker. In this context, the word concentration is used to describe a state of paying attention to what you can observe, and in this state of observation the activity of your mind is reduced. This is the kind of state of mind that is needed for channeling. Let me go through some steps that I recommend if you want to attempt to channel a spirit being.
Above all, it is very important that you are filled with light. Some humans have reached a level of development where this is easily reached, often unaware of this, but I recommend for all to begin any spiritual exercise with the triple light protection (see Emmanuel 4.1). Especially when you seek contact with the spirit world, it is important to do this seriously – there are some low level astral beings that are just waiting to have their chance to speak through someone, and have very negative intentions of intrigue and causing trouble. They can even pretend to be high or ascended beings, and to the human who is not properly prepared, this poses a serious risk. I am not saying this to cause fear, but to give a warning to those that are not using the utmost care and precaution. If you use the triple light protection, there is nothing to fear, for where there is light, there cannot be anything dark.
Another important premise is the intention that the person wanting to channel has. If you want to do this out of curiosity or even with some hidden agenda, you will not get any useful information, or be influenced by less high beings. If your intent is driven by search for contact with spirit guides for spiritual growth and teachings or guidance, then you have found the right place, and can proceed. Otherwise, you need to reconsider your motives. Also, if you want to seek out a specific being, let go of that desire – let the spirit world decide, they know better what your path is and whose time it is to come forward to you. There are many more reasons involved, including energy compatibility, but I do not want to discuss these any further for they could fill books. Especially beware of trying to make contact with “the dead” – many of those that have recently passed away are very earthbound astral beings, not high teachers you could learn from. Any communication with recently deceased would be no better than a talk with the living – they don’t know much about you and your path. Also, you could easily open up to lower astral planes, which could create a great risk to yourself.
If your intent is proper, and you are regularly using the triple light protection, then prepare for channeling with the light protection. When you are ready, picture golden light coming to your throat chakra. After a few moments, picture a tunnel of light in front of you. Pass through it, be aware that this cleanses and harmonizes you. On the other side, you are at the foot of a hill, mountain or pyramid. Climb up, step by step – this helps to raise your energies. At the top, you will find a spirit being. Ask, if this being is from the light – if not, send it away and wait for a being of light, and you may have to try again another day. Something may need to be resolved in your life first, be patient. If the being claims to be from the light, feel if this is true. If you feel calm, relaxed and comfortable with this presence, talk to this being to find out more about who it is. You can begin this way to communicate, by repeating what is said and recording this on tape, or by writing this down. If you continue to feel comfortable and have a good feeling – do not let your wishes get in the way of your judgment, it is better to wait a day if the connection is not pure – then you can allow that being to get closer and slowly merge with some your aura. A full merger is not the best thing to do when starting up – allow this to evolve over weeks of practice, until the merging is almost complete. Let the spirit being guide you in this – you are not the doer, you are the one allowing this to happen, and of course it will only happen if you are free of fear.
Doubting is one of the biggest problems for those that begin to channel. A good way to slowly overcome this problem is to observe what happens during the channeling exercise. If you pay close attention, you can tell the difference between your personal thoughts interfering with and coloring the message, and pure spirit thought transmissions. As with all things that can be learned, practice is the key to becoming better at this. Some humans may seem to “have a talent” for channeling – as with all “talents”, this is simply the result of a prior life experience with the subject, so if you seem to have trouble, be patient, and you could contact someone who has more experience with it, or even better, ask your spirit guide, if you can.
Many books have been written about “channeling” – some valuable, some less. If you are ready for making contact yourself, the exercise listed above should be sufficient to get you started, the rest is practice and you can get more help from your spirit guide. Feel free to read some additional information elsewhere, but knowledge is not the key, and be aware that not all that is written is useful and true. Inner guidance is the key, and no book, nor my message, can provide that – it is within you, in your heart. Feel deep within, feel what your heart is telling you, and you will find your way. Be blessed, and be greeted. Amen. Amen. Amen

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