Blog of Polish translators and collection of most profound channelings in progress
November 28, 2013
Part One - Quantum Consciousness & The Nature of Time
Time In - Time Out - The Torus Effect
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you all within this precise vector of timeless space. I embrace you in unconditional love.
Dear Ones, Light is an enigma to you. It exists in succinct units termed photons. Photons have no density, and no charge, and they travel as both particles and waves at 186,000 miles a second. At the 'speed of light' time, as you understand it, disappears. Photons of light go so fast that time has stopped for them. A photon leaves the surface of a sun or star and races through space for what you perceive as vast light-years, and then illuminates your eye as you gaze upward at the array of heavenly stars. It seems paradoxical to you that the instant the photon left the star and the moment it struck your retina, are the same. No time has passed for it at all. In this way, light permeates your realities and it is time-less, literally.
You are beings of Light, and as we have just shared, light is timeless.
Speed influences the manner in which you experience time flow, but it does not necessarily influence the 'units of consciousness' you experience within time. The faster you move through space actually slows down the movement of time. Space has 3 measures in physical reality: length, width and height. Time and space are connected in a fantastic structure called space-time. The movement of consciousness in time flows through space and thus time becomes a fourth measure forming the space-time. You refer to these as dimensions; they are in this context perhaps better described as measures. In pragmatic terms, linear space-time is the measure of experience that keeps you from encountering everything at once. Quite an overload !
Lets us continue...
The Torus Effect
Time and space are aspects of the same mechanism. Space, in a manner of speaking is congealed time held in a matrixial kinetic format within duality that allows for the separation and program of the purposed programmed illusion of sequential time metrics. Accordingly time is the inverse of space, in dynamic free flow. Both occur though the harmonic flash of consciousness units, through mechanisms of the inward and outward pulse of matter to antimatter and vice-versa via black holes and white holes. This may be termed the 'Harmonic Cycle.' Matter, like light, occurs in spectrums.
The inward -outward Harmonic Flash is not only the point in which space and time merge into a homogenous foam , it is also the rate of consciousness unit perception that strobes attention of awareness into each simultaneous lifetime. This 'micro-flash' occurs at a magical rate approximated at very near what is termed the Planck Number, occurring at 10 to the power of -43 of one second. At this point time and space merge and become nonlinear and the Torus aspect comes into play. Space is inverted, turned back upon itself, and time units float in a nonlinear discontinuous quantitized pool of what you term past, present and future.
In this quantum gestalt, the space-time continuum dissolves, and in a manner of speaking becomes simultaneous 'event' streams, event horizons all co-existing in one integral 'now'. It is a amalgamation, an experiential quantum soup intricately aggregated with every event, every potential and probability from each lifetime. You have heard the song " On a Clear Day You Can See Forever' ...literally this specific 'vectorless' sphere is the clear day of all potential forever's.
But that is only one attribute. It is much much more...
It is also the point from which time holograms are projected, as well as the center from which the harmonic pulse transforms matter spectrums. Matter shifts into antimatter realms and antimatter is downshifted into matter to form physical reality. Both are pulled in and projected out (and vice-versa) in the harmonic flash via black holes & white holes. In physical realms, white holes) bring in the energy of consciousness that forms reality, and black holes phase out the energy. It occurs at an unimaginable velocity and it is the means of the 'strobe-effect' of your consciousness stream sequencing into all of your realities, all of your lifetimes.
In the not too distant future your scientist will make discoveries that lead to theories supporting this process. There is evidence of it now. It has been noted that electrons in their circulation around the nucleus of the atom seem to 'disappear' for a few microseconds, and although this is surmised to be quantum tunneling, it is actually a phasing in and out of dimensions. It is the 'Torus' effect of the spectrums of the harmonic cycle. It occurs atomically in all matter. All physical matter fluctuates in and out, including your physical world, and of course your physical body.
Such refractive fluctuation also occurs psychologically on a very deep, extremely profound mental level. Your awareness phases between all lifetimes in somewhat the same way. Yet it seems to you that your consciousness in all lifetimes is a seamless streamline. It is an illusion. All lifetimes are in greater aspect simultaneous.
This harmonic pulse is the mechanism of 'simultaneous lifetimes'. You flash in and out of each lifetime, and are unaware of any absence in any of them. They all seem continual. But we tell you that in far less than the time it takes to snap your fingers, you have had a 'perception unit' of consciousness in every other lifetime. There are no gaps of cognizance , because the awareness rapidly moves in and out.
As an analogy, your earlier (non-digital) films appeared to be unbroken movement, but were actually individual still frames, with undetectable gaps between them. The individual frames (representing separate lifetimes) moved so quickly through the projector light that they appeared as seamless movement. Such it is with your concepts of linear time, except that the undetectable spaces between the separate frames, take you to other ongoing realities, other lifetimes...and the projector light is your consciousness..
There are many such in- out points of points of reciprocal refraction, but your physical senses are purposely unaware of them. To experience them all at once would be far too much information !
And this same phenomenon occurs on the physical consciousness spectrum. The 3d brain (personality-ego) consciousness of each separate lifetime comes alive and awake to its particular individualized existence in the harmonic flash, but in between are other fluctuations in which attention is focused upon succinctly contradistinct schemes of reality; each of these other "lifetimes' jumping to alertness, fully awake and responding, yet each unique personality having no sense of absence. They are absolutely unaware of any gaps or absence, each flash then is like the individual frames of the motion picture and the flashes occur so quickly that linear continuity is perceived by the ego personality brain in each ongoing lifetime, within the individualized framework of each succinct time hologram.
We are aware of how confusing and how incredible this may seem to you. Yet the greater part of you is fully aware of this process. It is a fact of physicality, of physical existence in the polarity realms. Accordingly the greater aspect of each of you is not locked within linear time or physical reality. The divine (subconscious) mind (not the 3d brain) can and does perceive other time epochs and exists in other realities of even greater multidimensionality.
In the 'New Earth' of 2013 and beyond, there are changes in place that will allow you greater access to your multidimensional lifetimes, your simultaneous lifetimes occurring in the holograms of time on the Earth-Plane. This 'Torus Effect' we first brought forward several years ago as it is pertinent for the coming ascension of humanity as taught in the Metatronic Keys. By harmonizing all simultaneous lifetimes, a requisite soul harmony is achieved. The aspects of soul fragmentation are brought into 'Soul-ar' harmonic integrity. This is an essential Metatronic Key...the requisite of harmonizing all sojourns.
Soul Fragmentation
Lifetimes are chosen with specific purpose, and some of these purposes can occur in different frequencies that seem in opposition. Certain lifetimes are dedicated to learning nuances of love as service, others into learning responsible creativity, others for learning how to manage 'power' and strength. In your physical planes there are 144 variations of these, 12 primary aspects with 12 subcategories in each.
It is not uncommon for lifetimes dedicated to learning service to be in frequential opposition to lifetimes in which you learned how to manage power and develop strength. The beliefs held in lifetimes of service may be very psychologically different from beliefs formed in a lifetime dedicated to developing strength. These varying beliefs may have been necessary and appropriate for the benevolent goals of each sojourn, but as each soul approaches completion, a rebooting is required to 'update the files', by removing what no longer serves the higher purpose. Lifetimes of opposing beliefs can become polarized. This may be termed as soul fragmentation. These need to be harmonized.
You may have developed beliefs in a lifetime of lesser intellect that are limiting to your expanded intelligence in another. And in the lesser lifetime, those beliefs continue to create the reality of that simultaneous sojourn. You may have a lifetime in which a catastrophic tragedy created a great fear, or a sojourn in which you had a strong (false) belief in the existence of 'evil and demons'. Such erroneous unlearned beliefs can interfere with development and seem very real to the senses of the entity in that lifetime specifically because the physical senses will perceive according to beliefs, even if the beliefs are limiting and inaccurate to the greater reality. As such that lifetime will go on creating in a limited paradigm until the soul changes them from the universal seat of power. One can and must
transfer learnings from an advanced lifetime into one in seeming contradiction.
As an example it may have served you in a lifetime in a religious order to take poverty vows. You may have developed the belief in a series of lifetimes in the 'cloth' of priesthood or nunnery that 'money is evil' and all material things must be shunned. And now you find yourself in a lifetimes where you understand that money is a tool, and that it is not an evil to be avoided. That it can in fact be utilized in higher good. Yet you are unable to manifest it. With the knowledge that all lifetimes are ongoing simultaneously, you may have 10 lifetimes continuing to reject money, and only one or two trying to create it. In the overall flux you are being outvoted 10 to 1. You have the ability in Mer-Ka-Na exploration to go back and up-shift contrary belief into one that fits a greater understanding, a greater truth.
Keep in mind that each lifetime is a new start in many aspects. Regression can occur in certain scenarios. The great Edgar Cayce achieved Mastery in many lifetimes before his incarnation as Edgar Cayce, yet he had a lifetime in America as 'Bainbridge' , just prior to his Cayce incarnation in which he was a roguish character. In a very applicable sense, this serves as an example of the nonlinear aspect of lifetimes. Just as the Golden Age of Atlantis is actually in your future, but has been drawn into your seeming past because you cannot perceive that future epochs influence the present. In the same way you think that all lifetimes have a sequential effect in terms of learning ratios. You cannot imagine that an initial learning experience might occur in a future rather than a past timing, unless you expand your belief to understand that time is NOT linear. Do you understand? We will discuss this in greater detail in part 2 of this channel.
Dear Human, There is no real impermeable division between your soul essences (lifetimes). You have the ability to influence all lifetimes in this moment. In this now. Time separations only seem to be real in the purposed illusions of the duality based physical realm .
That is not to say that the dramatic lessons you learn are not at times quite searingly painful and extremely difficult. Masters if this purposed illusion did not feel real to you, you would not learn in the Law of Cause & Effect. That is why we called in 'purposed illusion' While you are in duality it is very very real. But when you in one sojourn learn that all reality is created by belief you can change the beliefs of untoward experiences in other aspectual lifetimes. And when you do this, you are preparing the final Path of your Ascension. It is a quantum leap.
We wish to tell you that physical lifetimes in duality are a means of extraordinary growth, of exquisite spiritual evolution. You think of humanity in the duality realm as having spiraled downward, and while the density aspects are in that sense a devolution of experiencing cause and effect, the greater truth is that lifetimes are freely chosen here in duality. Duality experience is not a punishment, rather a credentialed course in mastery that you have deliberately chosen. It is not easy , and we honor you for that courage. And we tell you that you will graduate, you will Ascend....All in Time !
End of Part One - Part Two of this channel will be released in one week.
Coming Soon in Part 2 of this Channel : Mechanics of Time Travel , Entering the 'Seat of the Soul' , Processes of Changing the Past & Scripting the Future. And more on Time Holograms ... Stay Tuned ....
The above channel is copyrighted © James Tyberonn All Rights Reserved
The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. It may be shared online with expressed permission from EK Admin, as long as you do not charge for it, do not alter , abridge or edit it any way, credit the website & 3d author receivor and include this entire copyright notice . It may not be posted on U-Tube or printed in books or magazines without expressed written permission from Earth-Keeper Admin. For authorization contact Anne at
Part Two - Quantum Consciousness & The Nature of Time
Quantum Consciousness & The Nature of Time
Time In - Time Out - The Torus Effect
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Greetings Masters !
Now, as we continue part two of this interesting topic on Quantum Consciousness and the nature of time, we will speak first of the genesis of time as you know it within your duality sojourns.
In the earlier phases of Atlantis and LeMuria, you were not in the duality school of the earth-plane.
You were present as androgynous 'thought-forms' and manifested at will. You did not reincarnate into physical biological matter. As such you were not in linear measured time.
Genesis of Time
The first earthplane entry experienced by the souls of light that later became humanity was through the Arcturian Star-Gate via the original grid (The Firmament) that provided the non-polarity plane .Linear space-time did not truly exist in that phase of the 'Omni-Earth'. Experience was a mental projection, a lucid dream of sorts.
This mental plane manifestation began approximately 12 million years ago from your current stance, but an exact timing within the firmament earthplane is speculative as that experential beginning had no sequential chronology.Both LeMuria and Mu were gestalt composite templates of this existence for hundreds of thousands of years in the firmament projection.
The first true venture into time and space in fully physical incarnations came with the dissolution of the firmament and the formation & placement of the Polarity Magnetic Grid approximately 106,000 years ago. This was the original 'Eden' in which souls were gendered, male and female, and the Laws of Cause and Effect came into play, as the Earth became the 'school of growth' as a means to master physical reality.
So when we speak of simultaneous incarnations of the earth, this is the beginning point of the time holograms that measure your progress as an incarnate human in the reincarnational cycle. You do reincarnate in space- time holograms in order to complete the process. Physical death and reincarnation is the pattern, and while death is apparent to you, reincarnation is not. Understanding the certitude of this process is an important comprehension because one truth opens the door to the next. When your beliefs match the true nature of reality, achieving your purpose in this cycle is far less arduous. What is even harder for many of you to understand is that all lifetimes occur at once. Your sojourns in duality are simultaneous, and that is an even more important realization because you are nearing the completion of this cycle. In Year Two of the New Earth, multidimensional consciousness is more accessible for a reason. You have the ability and requisite of harmonizing all simultaneous lives.
Four Major Planes
We spoke in part one of this channel about your existence being multidimensional. In terms of your earthplane sojourns this can be divided into 4 major planes in a simplification to make it somewhat easier to visualize. But keep in mind from the greater aspects, these are all one. The four major parts are then the physical dimension, mental dimension, dream dimension and antimatter realm, which may be considered the Angelic realm and the source of your plurality core essence.
Only one of these four planes is within what you term as the space-time continuum.
The Enigma
Time and space remain an enigma to man, even within the dawn of the New Earth. Humanity queries time travel and space travel in the present from the aspect of physical laws. You will never reach areas of remote 'space' or hyper-space in fueled rockets. Nor will you travel in time in constructed locomotive apparatus. We tell you it is a frequencial concept, and not one contrived from the 3d laws of physics as you currently conceive them .
If you consider that in the Earthplane you are seemingly fixed in linear time and able to move about in space, then the opposite would occur at a specific Torus effect flip into parallel , where you would be somewhat 'fixed' in space and able to move about in time.
Humanity began re-experimenting with teleportation and time travel over eight decades ago, albeit for the wrong reasons. This was reignited by the works of HG Wells in the era of Tesla and Edison. The infamous event termed the Philadelphia experiment did in fact occur in an effort of warfare technology. However what occurred is not what your movies and media speculate. The awry results, while covert, disastrous and misapplied, did reveal stunning revelations regarding magnetic fields, gravity fields, and the potentials of dimensional teleportation and time-space effects. These continued covertly in what you term the Montauk project, albeit unsuccessfully.
Teleportation & Time Travel
Time travel has absolutely occurred in both your future and past. Although there are contemporary instances in which people have temporarily passed into different time holograms, there are very few cases where the transition was permanent. Your Admiral Byrd did in fact temporarily view a very real passing into a different time epoch during his polar flight. Most of the flight disappearances that are so publicized over the Bermuda Triangle were not permanent transferals. Time disruption did briefly occur, but the airplanes did not fully disappear into another epoch of time. Rather were they caused by related instrument malfunctions that created misdirection and radio silence, and the disappearances were simply crashes into the sea.
Certain of your governments working in classified tandem with covert corporations have already developed crude mechanisms of time travel. These are not on the right path of discovery and not at a truly manageable level. The stress that results on the human 'tempornaut' is considerable, stress-aging the human body approximately 10 years on each journey. At present they are only able to move forward in time about 20 years, and are unable to navigate into the past. In time, when the apparatus utilized is converted from magnetic forces to crystalline bio-plasmic field this will be improved considerably, and time navigation will be deliberate and not by random mishap.
More advanced societies of your Earth, and indeed those termed the benevolent extra terrestrials have been capable of manipulated teleportation through the process of frequencial 'dematerialization' of particulate matter to antimatter and back.
Matter spectra harmonic dematerialization was the process used in building the great Pyramids in Egypt. This then the ability to upshift matter into a field above electromagnetic and gravity influence. The ability to make dense molecules float and swim, and then re-solidify into physical matter. Such teleportation was utilized by the Atlanteans with the technology of the Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian groups. Specialized Phi Crystals combined with specific sound vibrations were used to shift the coherent frequencies of matter from its physical form to its antimatter vibratory quantum-wave state. The transport was then processed through a crystalline coherent 'laser-type' beam conduit by targeting the precise energetic signature of the destination vector.
You are only now beginning to see evidence of matter to antimatter in the harmonic cycle. Your current academic studies of fullerenes; allotrope Carbon-60 Spherical fullerenes termed 'Bucky-Balls', reveals that the molecular truncated icosahedrons of fullerenes revert from nano-matter particulate to quantum wave in certain conditions. Your scientists have noted for decades that electrons appear and disappear in atomic orbits. When you discover the physics of such actions you will be on the cusp of understanding and 'rediscovering' the muti-dimensional science of teleportation.
Time -Travel Influenced the Path of the 2012 Planetary Ascension
You may be quite surprised that carefully purposed time travel has been an major factor in insuring the Ascension. Certain probable realities of your not so distant past had interventions that allowed for the planetary Ascension to stay on track. Indeed, far more effort than you may imagine has been made in assuring the New Earth in which you now reside. We tell you there have been envoys from the future than have come back in various time epoch holograms to insure this, and many of you were part of this.
It may seem like science fiction, but we tell you the defeat of the Spanish Armada (Inquisition) and the defeat of Nazi Germany were two such events that were influenced in outcome by 'back from the future' envoys. Both the Inquisition and Third Reich groups were of the core energy of the Aryan Sons of Belial of Atlantis. Had the two referenced outcomes not been influenced, the planet would have taken a vastly different path, and the ascension would have occurred much later in time and in a much different way. The cataclysms that past seers foretold would have occurred between 1998 and 2012. The earth would have tilted on its axis and a complete rebooting and replanting of humanity on the planet would have taken place to allow for a fresh start.
If you are a student of European history, you are aware of the great improbability of the Spanish Armada defeat. German scientists and physicists in all probability would have developed the atomic bomb before 1944. Probable pasts were changed. You were the co-creators of that change. And we do understand how difficult this may be for you to accept, but it is indeed a fact that you are aware of in higher mind. Indeed some of you are among these envoys now. Many advanced souls are yet among the advanced soul groups that are navigating, in a manner of speaking, the expanded awareness necessary to create the New Earth.
Some of the well known scientist of the past century including Nicole Tesla & Albert Einstein, were absolutely incarnated from a 'future' era, as were certain writers and visionary artists such as Stanley Clarke. They, like you, take on the filters of duality, and were not 'frontally' aware of this truth.
The Expansion of the Earth Matrix
In 2012, precisely on the 12-12-12 your Earthplane ascended into 12 dimensions. It is the crystalline coherency transformation. Creativity is amplified, and for many of you, the arc swing of duality is lessened exponentially. This means multidimensional access is enhanced. But it does not mean 3d duality will disappear, rather that tools are now in place that allow those of a certain light quotient to rise consciously into higher dimension.
As we have said, the 'human' Earthplane experience in duality is a credentialed and honored learning process though which many varied Beings of Divine intelligence travel. Before you are 'allowed' by your higher-self into multi-dimensional and parallel systems of reality that are far more complex, vastly more extensive and open, you must first learn to optimally and responsibly master thought-creation energy. You are in the University of Earth for that see firsthand, through physical materialization, the concrete result of your thoughts and emotions.
That is precisely why Time & Space are purposed illusions, and this vivid 'mirage' is so potently programmed by the Divine-Self that you, by necessity, must focus your outer senses on the University of Duality, that termed physical reality. Such 'linear' focus then is engineered, the perception filters that seem to block multi-dimensionality are beneficial in allowing humanity to face and grow through Earthplane experience.
When the growth achieves a certain advanced level of 'light-quotient' then, and only then, do you choose to open & bridge into more expansive multi-dimensional perception. This ability is what the 2012 matrix created and 2013 and beyond are about!
But keep in mind that you humans travel in space and time almost every time you sleep. And there is a great balancing effect in the waking and sleeping experiences.
While most of you do not realize this, we tell you that every night, in very deep sleep-dream state, you process daily experience. In this 'sleeping' state your 'higher-self' examines very carefully those experiences you will manifest into your life. You make the selection from an infinite menu of possibility, and create the experience of those that will allow your greatest growth.
Your experiences & limited perceptions of the physical 3d-nature of space and time are to a large degree determined by your neurological structure, and this 'designed' structure serves you well.
The singular linear time-line of your 'chosen' physical experience is the surface path along which your life seems to flow. In a broader truth there are infinite paths both above and below your actualized progress that are part of one inconceivably miraculous network....and you in higher aspect experience all of them..
Your lifetimes on Earth are by grand design, and carry grand purpose. We realize it is not easy. Yet even lifetimes that you consider to be flawed provide tremendous lesson-growth potential.
Creation of Experience
The noble and essential truth is that all souls incarnate on the duality plane of free will create their own circumstances and experiences within earth dimensions. You are here to learn responsible creation. Many of you accept that you are here for that purpose, but find it hard to believe that you also create your daily life scenario, especially when the events that occur are unpleasant..
We tell you that the very unfolding of the events you experience day by day is determined by your beliefs & attitude and the expectations formed & projected by both. Period !
Both positive and negative attitudes, conscious or not manifest into your reality. If you project a mentality of lack, you create lack. If you dwell on worry and fear you draw them to you. Thus your beliefs and the projected thoughts from core belief must be directed consciously in a productive attitude. This takes effort. Accordingly the great lesson of each life, each soul's journey is to learn how to direct thoughts in deliberated positive directions. Otherwise you will find yourself in a difficult conundrum, a cage of your own construct. You are here to learn responsible creation, and that is a great truth.
Changing the Past
Now we have spoken briefly on the concept of changing your past. This is a mental, yet very valid process. Your memory of an event is rarely the actual way it happened. You can theoretically alter your own past as you have known it, and this is a valuable process especially if a past inaction has caused you great concern and worry. This is especially if it has lowered your self esteem and thus brought about a negative attitude. To dwell upon this negativity will recreate the negativity in an repeating cycle.
The past exists as does your future in multiple probabilities. An error in your past can in fact be changed by choosing an alternative outcome. One that you carefully deliberate.. By changing this past 'memory' in focused mental effort in the 'Now' of the present, you can change not only its its effect on you but also upon others involved. There is a great validity to this process, and it is a mental one. But know that mind is the creator.
The process is simple: focally imagine the specific untoward event that happened as being replaced by another event of a better outcome. Intense concentration and emotion must be brought into the visualization. Believe in the process.If there was a lesson to be learned, digest it and move forward, but do have faith in the change. By doing so you gain what is needed and move forward. And we tell you this is the true nature of reality. The reconstructed event that you create will be the probable event, recreated in projected mental energy, which forms the 'new past' and prevents the stigma of repeating of the negative pattern. By confronting and facing the past issue and visualizing the new outcome, you transcend time. We tell you that many of you do this in the dream state, but conscious projection in this process amplifies and accelerates the desired result.
Belief is the key. As has been said, " Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't, both are true. Mind is the builder !
Masters, When you achieve the knowledge of co-creation in any one lifetime, you have the ability to simultaneously merge this belief, through concerted effort into all lifetimes. To remove negative bleed through of errors, traumas and unproductive beliefs that co exist in other sojourns. This is taught in the Metatronic Keys. By moving into theta coherent thought you can enter the 'seat of the soul' and harmonize the energy of all lifetimes.
All in time !
I am Metatron and share with you these Truths.
And so it is.
The above channel is copyrighted © James Tyberonn All Rights Reserved
The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. It may be shared online with expressed permission from EK Admin, as long as you do not charge for it, do not alter , abridge or edit it any way, credit the website & 3d author receivor and include this entire copyright notice . It may not be posted on U-Tube or printed in books or magazines without expressed written permission from Earth-Keeper Admin. For authorization contact Anne at
November 21, 2013
The Benevolent Nature of Cats & Dogs
The Sacred Felidae
[Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn]
Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I embrace you in this moment. With me are the energies and presence of the Angelic Realm, the Ascended Masters of the Cosmic Council of Light, and those benevolent Beings of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. We welcome you, each of you here, in a 'Now' moment of unconditional love.
Dear Ones, with the understanding that you are here for learning, we tell you that the 'University of Polarity Earth' is specifically designed for the evolution of the human soul. The curriculum and venue of Polarity Earth, of the educational process is in fact a version of the Omni-Earth that is created and co created in Divine Intelligence. It is a purposed illusion, it is created by purposed thought, and cannot be destroyed. Consider that. That does not mean you do not have responsibilities in the care of Earth and its supporting Kingdoms, for indeed that is part of the learning process.
The purpose of the EarthPlane is your soul evolution. The Earth supports that mission, by Divine plan, by agreement, and all of the Kingdoms of Earth are part of that. Accordingly we tell you that there are versions of other Beings that are of Divine Intelligence that are here to support you in your purpose here.
These include Master Beings from many realms. Some make visitations here to support you, and chosen of these come in full avatar consciousness. But be aware that there are versions of benevolent Master Beings that have by agreement chosen to manifest in various step-down forms to support humanity.
Those of the Animal Kingdom on the Earth, are here to support you. Part of that process involves their expression on the EarthPlane in 'Group' Consciousness. The deepest dimensions of the animal self exist not at the level of the individual but of the entire species , and that highest level is not in duality lesson, per se.
And so we speak this gathering of the Sacred Felidae of Sirius A.
The Sacred Felidae and Canidae are incredible Beings that bring tremendous support to the Humanity.
The Felidae are Divine Intelligence, fully evolved, magnificently conscious in crystalline expression. They are members of both the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, and of what may be termed the Niburian Mastery Council. Both of whom are benevolently involved in the up shift of the consciousness evolution of planets and planetary races who are prepared to graduate into the next level in their Ascension.
The Felidae
The Felidae, are a Feline species who originate on Sirius A. These are Beings that have entered the Earthplane since ancient times in specific roles and formats. The versions currently in physical form on the Earth-Plane are in what may be termed the Feline and Canine family. These physical formats on the EarthPlane are here to support you, and in their physical matrix are but a portion of the consciousness of their Sirian nature.
That is because the Felidae expression on the earth are in group soul format, and are not here to evolve as a species, but rather to support the earth and assist humanity in evolution. The greater part of their consciousness is above the level of the EarthPlane. The feline operate vastly in the ethereal or stealth antimatter realm.
Their full consciousness existed and manifested in LeMurian, Atlantean and early Egyptian eras.
The Masters of the Sacred Felidae were involved in the genetic engineering in the Temple of Purification (on Poseida) in Atlantis during the Golden Age of the Law of One. This was done in a very positive and benevolent manner, prior to such technology being tragically misused by the Aryan Sons of Belial in the sad demise of the final era of Atlantis.
The Felidae of Sirius A and Cetacean Sirian-B Masters are skilled at integrating spirit into physical matter. This in not only giving life-force to a physical form, but also in integrating higher chakric levels of consciousness within the physical matrix in Mer-Ka-Na level multi-dimensionality.
This ability to work with humanity in energetic terms involves activating higher chakras and higher crysto-light bodies. This higher level of consciousness is the Crystos Consciousness, and the Cetaceans are Crystalline Masters. Their renewed role on the earth includes assisting the shift-transition from the declining magnetic polarity grid to the evolving Crystalline Grid.
Question to Metatron: So are the Beings from Sirius B primarily aquatic, and the Beings from Sirius A Feline ?
Metatron Response: The habited realm circulating Sirius B is primarily aquatic and the Cetaceans, the Dolphin and Whale are aquatic. Yet also of a high enough consciousness to manifest form that can equally habituate within both aqueous realms and what would be termed land.
The life forms , of the sister star, Sirius A are different expressions than the Cetaceans. Sirius A enlivens Humanoid Life (Starseed) ), as well as the Sacred Starseed Felidae. These are all Beings of Divine Intelligence, that all have varied expressions supporting the Earthplane .
These all interact with your planet on many levels in myriad forms.
Question to Metatron: You have mentioned that only humans are in soul evolution on planet earth. Aren't the dolphins and whales also in a high state of consciousness and evolution?
Metatron Response: The Sacred Cetaceans are indeed in a high state of evolution. But they are not on the earth to evolve. They are already evolved. So understand they are here on the earth to support the earth and assist mankind in so doing. The Cetacean are physically here to anchor the energy in the aquatic portions of the earth to enable the planetary balance and facilitate the shift from magnetic to crystalline.
The etheric, nonphysical, return of the 'Golden Dolphin' are the Sacred Cetaceans in full avatar Mastery directly assisting humanity to evolve into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na field.
The Felidae are assisting humanity in physical manifestation, but have also assisted in etheric Mastery particularly in Atlantis, Central America and Egypt. But in the stepped down form, assist you in emotional and mental fields, and this is the primary topic of today's discourse, that of the Felidae in expression of Feline and Canine.
Question to Metatron: I am intrigued by the information on the Felidae and Canidae. of Sirius- A. Are you speaking of cats and dogs? Can you expand on this?
Metatron Response: Certain breeds of what may be termed house cats and dogs, are indeed uniquely designed derivations of the Starseed Felidae. They perform specific roles in assisting humans. The 'house' versions of cats & domestic dogs are genetically engineered from the Golden Age of Atlantis.
The genetic engineering was benevolently done by the Sirian -Pleiadean Alliance and is an extremely helpful action, as stated to assist humanity as they became more densely ingrained in the Earth-Plane.
Now, what you term as canine and feline are of the same source, both are derivations of the Starseed Felidae. Cats and dogs are different physical forms of the same source.
The Felidae of Sirius A are a fully conscious crystalline being. They have melded into a group unity consciousness, yet still retain aspectual individual identities with the greater harmonic field. The Group Field chooses to assist humanity in your Universe and others.
Cats & Dogs
Both cats and dogs in this derivation are serving as benevolent energy giving assistants to humans, to their caretakers. Both have the capacity to meld their energy fields with the human and are uniquely capable of becoming personality fragments of their human caretakers. That is why certain of these can often begin to display the physical characteristics of their 'owners', although this particular aspect occurs more commonly with the canine.
The canine exudes an extreme loyalty and unconditional love. A dedication that energetically is received by the human, and can assist in many ways. The dogs ( and cats) become both companions , healers and protectors. The feline, the cat, is much more in the ethereal (antimatter) realm in its conscious field. That is why many past societies worshiped the Feline forms of Jaguar, Lion , Tiger and Puma.
These beings are extremely aware of thought forms of ethereal realms and offer a stealth strength and protection. The house cat is capable of tremendous protection for their caretakers from untoward thought forms and negative energies. Certain breeds of dogs have this ability as well, but it is expressed and enacted different.
Vibrational Healing
The purring of a cat is very beneficial in healing, repairing and protecting the human aura. The mystical aspect of cats has long been recognized, and 'Temple Cats' were used in many ancient societies as well as companions and allies of the shaman.
The Lupus, and other canine species such as the wolf have this ability as well. Both cats and dogs have capacity to sense and see in far greater dimensionality than the human eye. The therapy and service of cats and dogs in working with abused children, terminally ill patients, the depressed and elderly in nursing homes are examples area of significant pet therapy healing being more and more recognized. This will be expanded even further in the future.
Cats see above visible light, and can actually see the human auric field, the Human EMF, and all manner of energy emanations invisible to the human eye. The wide spectrum that cats perceive in light fields is quite amazing. Cats see in fields of both non physical matter and non matter . Dogs are more in the field of matter, and sense or feel these auric field and indeed are extremely capable of understanding the direct resonance of the human emotional field.
The service of 'Seeing-Eye' dogs with the blind is another area of service in which great bonds are created.
Unique Melding With Human Consciousness
The version of Felidae and Canidae that are cats and dogs are but a fragment of the full consciousness and energy spectrum of their Sirian aspects.
Yet this expression is specifically and purposefully designed to be so, for these beings can become so bonded with the humans they serve, that a unique third consciousness can succinctly evolve between the human and the 'pet', that is extremely beneficial to the evolvement of the human caretaker.
The earthen consciousness of the dogs and cats operates more on thought patterns with powerful instinctual triggers. Their designed (benevolent), divinely agreed DNA engineering is such that they have a unique and divinely purposed ability to become allied, programmed in a partnership with the human they are working with.
When this partnership occurs these beings are able to telepathically receive thought images sent by their caretaker. Just as human thought can program a living crystal, the same occurs, albeit in a different format, with dogs and cats. It may be termed as the formation of a personality aspect of the human within the cat or dog. The 'pet' then is capable of assisting the human in both physical and emotional ways. Providing comfort, energy, healing, companionship, detecting illness, sealing auric ruptures, and providing protection in physical and etheric realms.
Many humans have household pets in cats and dogs that help them work through blockages. One of the most common occurrences is that these Beings help you awaken your ability to express love. It is very easy to express and give affection to the household animal , and for many this is far easier than expressing love and kindness to other humans. Depending on the individual this blockage can occur for many reasons.
Very often as humans grow older, children move away and a spouse passes over, a seeming natural period of lonely isolation sets in. The interaction with the pet can awaken the flow of love through fond endearment. This very interaction awakens the very life force in the isolated caretaker, and an interplay that is very therapeutic occurs.
We tell you that there is far more design and intelligence in the willing participation of the Felidae and Canidae than is recognized.
The Third Field Between Humans and Pets
When this third consciousness through interaction is formed, it expands the field of both parties. It awakens within it characteristics that neither of the parties involved had prior. In other words, it expands, it stretches the emotional field awareness and indeed the third meld consciousness, and this reaches back into and changes the individual awareness of both. The pet opens up your ability to remain 'positive' in allowing you to express love, and you 'teach' it , in a manner of speaking, to channel the greater part of its divine Sirian consciousness in doing so.
Your willingness for the interaction allows it to achieve its specific purpose, and there is an important growth on both sides unique to the field created between the two of you. The 'pet' operated in group consciousness prior to the 'melding blend with the human, and the individuality of it was formed in the bond with the human. Do you understand?
Question to Metatron: Are you saying that animals are not individual unless they blend with the human to form the 'consciousness meld' with humans?
AA-Metatron: In a manner of speaking, yes, that is what we are saying. But to be clear, we are not saying that animals do not have individual aspects before the meld. Each are incarnate in physical bodies, and are indeed subject to the gravitational characteristics, to some degree, that occur in the astrological influences in all life on the earth. But they operate fully and only in 'group soul' awareness, until the meld with humans(s) uniquely occurs. That interaction is succinct and builds a personal fragment capable of growing. But we are not saying that animals do not have a 'group' purpose without the meld.
The group purpose is transformed into a singular 'service' in the expanded field by means of the human interaction with the 'group' soul of the household pet as expressed in the individual cat or dog. It is therefore the human interaction that creates the individual field within the pet. So in a manner of speaking the animal has agreed to be benevolently 'programmed in blend ' with the mental field, emotional field & personality of the human caretaker for higher purpose.
This is how the third field is created, and that third field is a fragment of the human consciousness that benefits both you see. Yet the primary purpose is to benefit is to the human, a service provided by the Felidae. But there is a choice to accept the human on the part of the Felidae, and when that is mutually accepted, the greater role of the Group Soul can be fed into the meld, and wisdom, protection and healing can be given from the 'pet' to the human. So understand this third meld is a conduit that is very far reaching, but occurs by agreement. .
The Atlanteans, LeMurians and Egyptians in particular, interacted with the Felidae in roles of guardianship and wisdom transfer. The Egyptian Temples contain many hieroglyphs depicting the Felidae, as having Feline heads and human torsos and limbs, complete with the 'Solar Disc' of enlightenment. The Sphinx is the reverse, the human head with the Feline body.
Question to Metatron: How exactly do 'cats and dogs' offer protection to humans? Is this by their greater awareness of other dimensions?
AA-Metatron: Yes, by specifically being much more in-tuned to other realms that are, as we have explained somewhat invisible to human physical senses.
The guardianship in the specific forms as described in 'household or human interface versions' of the Sirian Beings is performed in a beautiful manner, and that is through not only the detection of what may be termed 'negative energies' but by neutralizing those very untoward energies by powerful projections of benevolent loving energy vibrations that are orchestrated through the Sirian Felidae to the human. The Sirian being diagnoses exactly what is needed and channels the necessary vibration to assist the caretaker.
You do not always recognize that you induce auric fracturing when you become depressed or highly upset. These states form negative fields that open you to electrical attachments that are energetically draining.
When a cat 'purrs' the vibration is of a deep contentment, and the frequency within that vibration is very healing, capable of evaporating negative fields by neutralizing them. Likewise when dogs playful jump and run , often in joyous spins, they are, like the dolphin, forming energy vortexes capable of cleansing the energies, and offering a 'channeled' frequency that is extremely beneficial to the environ, not only removing negative vibrations but creating a shield to eliminate their re-entry.
When cats seem to 'patrol' the perimeter of a room, house or yard, they are also exuding an protective field.
We will tell you that the Felidae and the Canidae, the Feline and Canine, are from the same root source of Sirius A. Although their expressions on Sirius A are fully evolved. As we have told you the household versions of these Beings are in fact physical formats, genetically engineered by the Sirians to assist humanity in the ways we are herewith discussing.
Question to Metatron : To be clear, are you saying that cats and dogs are from the same Sirian source?
AA-Metatron: In the higher original source, yes. Both of the one crystalline fully evolve Mastery of Sirius A, the Felidae. Cats and dogs are the same source. On Sirius they are now Crystalline Light Beings, nonphysical from your perspective, appearing in Crystalline Light forms.
As we mentioned the Felidae have manifested in full Avatar Mastery at various times on your planet to assist you. The Felidae are masters of incorporating spirit into physicality and assisted in the original engineering of full strand DNA for mankind. Indeed the races of humanity contain Sirian Felidae aspects in their DNA, some more than others. The very athleticism and agility prevalent in some humans draws on this, to give one of many aspectual examples.
Question to Metatron : As an item of curiosity, if they are of the same Sirian source, why do dogs chase cats.
AA-Metatron: Dogs only chase cats until they catch them. At that point the tables usually turn, and quite quickly ! (Laugher) .
We will say that in a real sense, dogs and cats are inverses of the same frequency when expressed on the Earthplane. Generally speaking the Feline, the domesticated cats tend to be more introverted and the Canine , dogs, more external, or extroverted. Their frequencies are then inward in the former, outward in the latter, and naturally attract one another....not repulse. You will find that dogs and cats raised or living in the same household develop special loving bonds. This particularly occurs in an enhanced manner when the animals have had past sojourns in which the fragment of personalities with the humans form. As an example, the channel now houses 2 cats and 2 dogs. They work together and share a deep bond, and all 4 are aspects of the two human caretakers. We will also add that one of the dogs, the female, has been Feline in the past more often than Canine.
The Sacred Felidae in their Earth-Plane manifestation have retained the unique ability to operate simultaneously in inner and outer world projections much more than humans. At any one time in which you observe the physical material manifestation of a Felidae, they are equally conscious of being fully manifested simultaneously in other dimensional planes. Quite often they interact within the other realms, while present physically in this one.
Linear Filters of Consciousness
Although humans also simultaneously exist in other levels, humans in 3d cannot interpret the frequencies of the other realms in consistency or lucid clarity through the physical brain alone. The mind, which is the inner counterpart of the brain, can at times perceive the far greater dimensions of any given event through a crysto-electric burst of sudden intuition or comprehension that cannot be adequately described on a verbal level. The crystalline electrical impulses that are perceivable within your 3d system is merely a tiny fraction of the vast crysto-electrical system in the Cosmos, A human's physical brain is, on its own, quite incapable of accurate perception or deciphering the frequencies above polarity. It is impossible in physical brain alone to even grasp the myriad complexity and dimension of the crysto-electrical potential and actuality as it exists. And although these are quite accessible in Mer-Ka-Na , via higher mind, non physical levels, are not accessed by the brain alone in the human, rather they must be developed in Mer-Ka-Na through mind.
So we tell you to keep in mind, pun intended, that the true origin, the eternal source and power of your Divine Intelligence and consciousness has never been rooted in the physical. Each and every human exists in other worlds, different realities and other dimensions, and the self that you call yourself is but a small portion of your entire identity. Because of the filters inherent to the physical brain, you are capable of focusing on the physical world around you, and it is that focus that enables you to eventually master the physical plane. We assure you that there is purpose in the filtering, for If the physical brain, with the ego personality were unscreened , and thus fully aware of the vast and constant barrage of telepathic communications that do impinge upon it, it would have a most difficult time retaining a sense of identity in linear perception.
It is because of the ego consciousness that you have a powerful identity awareness of the physical realm, for you are in physical with specific purpose. But we say again, it is not your true identity in the Cosmic over view.
While in physicality the human brain is simply not equipped in linear mode to be able to make sense of the signals coming in from higher dimensions. Your standard brain can't read them. To the brain these impulses appear to be a chaotic mélange of disconnected flash images. The ego-personality brain based in linear time cannot perceive data that is not based upon sequential continuity of moments.
Interestingly, certain of the Animal Kingdom, particularly the Felidae, can.
So with this axiom that Felidae and certain Canidae do operate more effectively in other coinciding planes, we tell you that is precisely why these Beings were recognized by more aware societies as guardians. It is why a dog will bark, or a household cat will move in quick reaction to energies unseen by the human eye.
Your academics understand that there are spectrums of light. You also understand that the 'average' human is only capable of physical vision in the narrow spectrum termed 'visible light'. The Felidae and certain Canidae are capable of seeing (and sensing) in a much wider sensory range. We tell you that physical matter also occurs in spectrum waves. So are there varying spectrums of matter.
Your system of physical reality on the Earth-Plane is not nearly as wide-reaching or complex in relative comparison with many others. The dimensions given to the narrow spectrum of physical matter barely hint at the prolific varieties of higher nonphysical dimensions.. You do not recognize as yet the nature of the nonphysical in your own Galaxy, much less the Cosmos. We tell you that Universes can exist within a molecule, and other versions of Earth validly coexist where you now sit to read these words.
The Animal Kingdom : Forgotten Teachers
These beings that in current terms would be considered of the 'Animal Kingdom' have taught humans far more than you presently recognize.
The Beings that you term Animals operate in great and greater intelligence, albeit it in a thought pattern matrix uniquely formatted to the natural aspect of the Earth-Plane.
On an aspectual and level far more comprehensive than you currently grasp, the Animal Kingdom are here by agreement to support humanity on many levels. Their understanding of the Earth-Plane as a University of Development for humanity is extended from and back to their Mastery Source.
Their mental format pattern in the earthly expression is such that humans are held somewhat blameless. Although humanity does have a huge responsibility to treat the Animal Kingdom with respect, the Animal Kingdom do not place guilt on humans. Their chosen mental format upon the Earth is formatted in such a manner that guilt is not an expression contained within it. Rather it is a pattern of instinct and benevolently capable of unconditional support.
One of the differences between the cat and dog expressions of the Felidae, are that dogs are more in the physical realm than cats. From and overview cats are far more etheric within the antimatter field, while dogs much more in matter. Dogs react more to the direct frequency of your emotions, whereas cats react more to vibration and light emanations. Dogs will feel and react to anger and guilt in a more tangible way than cats. Cats cannot experience guilt, and that detachment from human emotional waves is why cats may seem aloof.
Animal Totems
The Animal Kingdom have a more full, vast understanding and awareness of the other conscious kingdoms of the Earth, and have always had the ability to teach that to mankind. You have in current times largely forgotten, quite unfortunately, how much you learned from all of the Beings of the Animal-Kingdom. Humanity in campestral societies and cultures learned a great deal of medicine, of nutrition from watching animal behavior in interaction with the plant kingdom. Humanity observed carefully what plants to avoid, and which to cultivate. You learned survival techniques, and indeed social behavior by not only watching the animals, by directly communicating telepathically with them.
In earlier sojourns , formative epochs, mankind far more closely identified with and understood the intelligence and wisdom offered by the natural instinctual patterns of the Animal Kingdom, and recognized them as wise teachers. And as a result they identified with humanity , interacted with humanity to a truly remarkable degree.
The Animal Spirits or Totems recognized and honored as wisdom carriers by the Native Americans are examples of the higher group collective of their higher, off-planet consciousness etherically manifesting to assist mankind.
The knowledge and intuitive communication of the Animal Kingdom with the Elemental and Devic consciousness of the Living Earth, the Mineral, Fire and Air is a precise understanding that could be of great assistance, affording forward signals to humanity in this time of Earth changes.
Question to Metatron: You advised earlier that the Felidae Starseed are the consciousness source for both the earthen feline and canine species of animals. Do all animals on the EarthPlane originate from Sirius A, from the Starseed Felidae?
AA-Metatron: No. Sirius A is the source of humanoids and Felidae. Sirius B is the source of the Sacred Cetacean, dolphin and whale. Dolphin and whale are of the same source , the Cetacean, just as the feline and canine are of the same source , Starseed Felidae.
Sirius is not merely two binary stars in the Cosmos with circulating planets. It is a vibrational frequency of a realm that has achieved Crystalline Ascension. It is accordingly a sacred celestial resonance and way of being within a vastly expanded consciousness. Sirius is within all dimensions both physical and non-physical. The Stars of Sirius are portals or gateways to these other dimensions, and the Felidae, Hathor, Cetacean are here in varied matrixial expressions to assist humanity grow in awareness, to balance the Earth and find their way home. The Sirians offer are receivers and transmitters of this energy.
Other members of the Animal Kingdom in Earthen expression come from a multiplicity of sources. For example the horse is Arcturian in source.
The Animal-Kingdom have truly been your teachers, although they did not choose your 'human' evolution path, as we have said, the Animal Kingdom are not on the Earth to evolve in soul expansion, but rather to support the soul expansion of humanity. We assure you that mankind could not have moved forward as a species had it not been for the Beings of the Animal Kingdom. Indeed certain of the Animal Kingdom, such as the bovine and certain other species of the mammal and bird, are here by agreement to provide a food source for mankind. Does that surprise you that this occurs by agreement? And although it is not the topic at hand, the Plant Kingdom has also been a huge support to mankind.
Domesticated animals have benevolent purpose in choosing their earthen expressions. Those of the Feline and Canine have a unique role of interaction in the aspects of human companionship. This is by a higher sourced 'service' agreement .And we will add the enhanced ability to form the 'personality meld' in household pets derivations of the Felidae, is genetically enhanced.
Many humans find that they can interact more easily with 'pets' than they can with other humans. Pets don't talk back. The feline and canine are particularly committed to assist humans in dealing with blockage, in dealing with isolation, particularly as humans become older and alone.
Both cats and dogs oft teach humans to learn to love again and to open their hearts. Dogs are tied to the human emotional field, cats to the human psychic plane/ mental field. The two of very different expressions of the Felidae, but both are focused on your assistance, both are uniquely capable of forming a fragmentation aspect of the caretakers personality.
When a human forms a personality fragmentation meld with a Felidae or Canidae, that succinct energy can uniquely evolve and often reincarnate, or re-attach within other lifetimes and within the same lifetime to continue to assist the owner. Thus a human may have the same energy essence of their cat or dog, over a span of 70 years, in several sequential cat or dog bodies.
For example, the two cats and one of the dogs that the channel is caretaker for in the present, were with him in different bodies as domesticated leopards in a past lifetime in Egypt.
In current times, it is considered fashionable in certain circles, to see mankind as the great greedy destructor of the Earth and its kingdoms, especially Animal, Plant Mineral .
It is likewise popular in some 'New Age' circles to see man as the arrogant taker who contaminates the earth, destroys the Natural Earth Kingdoms nature at the expense of future generations.
We insert here that a portion of this is true, and change is required. We do not condone humanity's untoward and irresponsible action in this issue.
The point is that some who wish for the better, feel all is hopelessly lost, that change for the better will not come.
While unified determination to make change for the better is essential, the focusing on hopelessness must stop. That is the wrong application in creating the 'New Earth'. Focusing on hopelessness & despair , creates hopeless despair.
So we offer you an insight of hope.
What we wish to point out is that the Earth the dyamic manifestation, at any given time of your thoughts. Humanity are ever the co creators of the Earth and Omni Earth in all of its probable realities.
We tell you, Dear Masters, the Earth is a magnificent & purposed illusion, that is absolutely created by thought.
Mankind en masse are, at the present time, unconscious of the fact that YOU are co creators of the Earth experience.
There are other versions of probable reality in holographic 'time programs' in which enlightened 'Ascended' humanity honor each other, the Earth and all of her kingdoms in beautiful harmony. Duality programming of the EarthPlane is intelligently and divinely planned. The 'Trial and Error' evolution of this experience takes into account the learning curve.
And that being said, we tell you that you cannot truly destroy the Earth.
You can and will create the Enlightened Earth by positive focus on its manifestation, not by focal despair that it has not yet occurred.
Nothing is taken from the Earth, or from any of the Earthen Kingdoms, Mineral, Plant and Animal, that is not fully agreed to, fully permitted in the linear reality drama hologram.
It rarely occurs to you that animal kingdom consciousness came into physicality and earthen form by choice, and that the consciousnesses of such animals had a willing choice in the agreement to support humanity, fully aware of the potentials of mans stages of ignorance as
humanity evolves.
In the not too distant future, humanity will come to realize , and not only honor the Animal Kingdom, but equally honor, acknowledge & indeed LOVE one another, and the beautiful Earth that nurtures you. It will occur. Create it as so !!!
I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
...And so it is
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November 17, 2013
2014 An Opportune Year of Change
Year Two of the New Earth
2014: An Opportune Year of Change
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light !
As 2013 enters its final weeks, we ask each of you to take pause and consider the powerful progression of events you have experienced individually and cumulatively over the past year. Whether or not you fully recognize that the Planetary Ascension has occurred is truly a moot point, for time moves faster now than ever before.
Masters 2014 is a year of extreme change, and these changes logically occur in primary nodes you term as astrological events. Yet these are far more than you currently comprehend.Within each node are codes that affect your auric field through induction. These codes serve myriad purpose.
A coded astrological event is like an animated energy fountain, an organic cascade that affects you on a very deep level. It is an infused conscious and purposeful coordination of sacred frequency. Within its own arrangement of particalized light, it is just as alive as you are, the difference being that it has no individual agenda and its evolution depends upon its environment as well as the environments of all other star gates. If astrological powernodes, specifically solstices, equinoxes and eclipses were to be truly understood as the devices of induction they truly are, you would then define them more aptly as an aperture in the space time contingency, an insert succinctly purposed & governed by the organic geometric nature and framework of resonance of their entry into your plane and their expansive essence. Nothing stands still, and regardless of how time and dimensionality are measured, change continues to reveal and express itself astrologically....and logically so.
And so as we begin this discussion of 2014, we encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of individual Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.
Dear Ones, in these radically transitional times, always remember that Spirit speaks of LOVE. Spirit does not attack. Every current religion on your Earth has its truths and distortions. Discernment is the key. It is requisite of you to decide what is true and what is not, based on heart and NOT FEAR. No true sacred expression limits its truth, its beauty, to one grouping.
The current time offers each of you an opportunity to choose to live free, to choose to release worry and fear, and create your own well-being. Respect and Nurture one another, and embrace LOVE. It is the science and frequency of God. It is the way that the Nation of Humanity will UNITE, it is the way humanity will Ascend, and 2014 is a key phase for allowing you to coherently create the Earth you desire. Year Two of the New Earth, 2014, energetically initiates the true phase into what is termed the 'Age of Aquarius', the true beginning of the Aquarian Shift.
A Key Time
Accordingly Masters, you are in the folds of a key sojourn. Indeed there are specific lifetimes that are more highlighted within your vast sojourns, certain vectors in space-time that offer succinct quantum leaps. Within these are crucial crossroads of decision that define you. This is one of those lifetimes. Energy and time are moving fast, much is happening on your Earth as you continue to adjust and calibrate to the Crystalline transitions of the New Earth in 2014. It will not be easy, nothing truly worthwhile occurs without focal effort ... but it will be a joyous accomplishment and credential. For you are among the souls that are collating to create the planet of harmony. Accordingly 2014 is an incredibly important year, in many ways more so than 2013. For in 2013 you were in the early phases of adjustment to the New Earth. You were exercising the utility of new chakras that extend into higher dimensions. In 2014 you will begin stretching new wings and trying out flight into new spectra. You will be working in theta coherency to visually create a world of harmony ! It will take time but potent tools are now in place. What happened in 2013 was a new beginning. That new beginning is the New Template of the New Earth. The Ascension of the Earth has allowed for the dimensional revision and expansion of the planet. The Earth is expanded to a Crystalline Field, expanded from the 5th to the 12th dimensions. In 2013 you began learning the ropes, and in 2014 you will progress further in this exploration. It will take concerted effort.
2014 will be a year in which you continue to experience many subtle shifts on your levels of awareness. Your expanded chakric system is still adjusting to operating in new manners and indeed in new dimensions. The layers of your CEF (Crystalline Auric Field) are still somewhat in flux, still stabilizing for most of you. The expansions can and do effect to varying degrees your sensory systems & emotional field.
Mental Focus
In Year Two of the New Earth, you are required to make a greater effort in your mental focus. It may at times feel to you that you are struggling to maintain balance, to keep focus. This is a combination of the new energy influxes and the requirement to not only adjust & calibrate but to crystallize your purpose and intent. The Aquarian shift with its change in ionic ratios (from the past 2 decades of Solar Radiation) now surrounds the planet and is compelling each of you to put your spiritual life in order. The ionic ratio change is up-shifting the 'code-wiring' between the mental fields of the conscious and subconscious, between physical actuality and divine pattern. Because of the coronal mass ejections jet streams of anionic plasma circulate the earth and pocket around specific 'sacred sites' . These allow for easier access into theta coherent consciousness, and it is within theta coherency that you are able to more effectively create the New Earth.
There are certain timings in 2014 in which you will feel and focus on those areas of your life stream that need to be addressed. You will be required to confront the self and prioritize what actions are needed. Redefine your inner contracts and determine how you wish to utilize your remaining time on the planet. You will be compelled to seize the moment , and make a bucket list !
You can no longer sit complacently on the fence. 2014 is a time to determine the missing pieces of your puzzle. It is time to make your mark, to contribute your part, to consider the legacy your life will be. And yes it involved putting the pieces together ... assembly is required! The Crystal Frequency is becoming even more powerful in 2014. This is a resonance that increasingly will influence each of you into more ' impeccability '. This is simply an aspect of understanding who you are and becoming true to the highest standards. It requires you each to take your power and walk in integrity, to truly become impeccable.
Each of you has an opportunity to be impeccable every day. The scenario in which you recognize your own failings, your own conflict with integrity, is the day you more fully encompass Mastery, and indeed it is a journey. Likewise the day you stand in your truth with willingness to recognize another person's truth, you achieve the compassionate aspect of integrity. This truth then applies to individuals and nations as well, it applies in macro and micro.
In 2014, the aspects of inner conflict will move into the crucible phase for purification. Any dishonesties, any flaws that were hidden, any shadows will come into light in order to be faced. Align your actions to highest goals. Prioritize ! Examine your path..and plan your journey consciously.
Understand then that it is the energy of the Earth in the Ascension in parity with the 144-Crystalline Grid that enabled and continues to drive the crystalline energy expansion of the Earth into greater and more lucid dimensional reach. And take note Masters, the energy from 5d to 12d that is accessible to you now is only the beginning. For the aspect you term zero field is the aspect of crystalline dimension. It expands into energy dimensions that indeed exist within you, but have been dormant, inaccessible to the masses of humanity, yet these crystalline dimensions are your true impeccable origin, and you exist in higher form within them.
An Essential Understanding
We will first tell you once again that the Ascension of the Planet did indeed occur. It is essential you understand this and not lose faith. There are ever the naysayers and will continue to be those that question, even among those on the path, that any real changes took place after December 21, 2012. The Ascension did occur, those of you of light made it so. But we want to clarify it is the graduation of the Planet Earth, an expansion into 12 Dimensions that has taken place. And it is the ascension of the planet that has made the coming ascension of humanity possible.
So we will tell you that the Ascension is a new beginning. And in 2013, the Earth entered into the new format that will allow for humanities ability to rise lucidly, further ascend consciously into higher dimensions. The New Earth now carriers a matrix through the Crystalline Grid that is absolutely enabling humanity to be more aware of their true nature within multi-dimensionality.
We assure you that in 2013 a new sun dawned, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the light of the magnificent New Earth. And Dear Ones, we do mean magnificent. In this new era, it is incumbent upon the seekers to project joy, to project light, for in the expansion to Crystalline Harmonics, every photon of mental light you project is exponentially amplified. And this occurs more rapidly in the New Energy of 2014. So your roles take on a new importance, a greater benevolence, as your creation powers increase in that termed the Aquarian Shift. So we speak in specifics of 2014 !
2014 Power Dates & Activation Phases
The energies of 2014 will be less intense than the obstacle course of increasing frequencies experienced by humanity in 2011 and 2012, but perhaps more intense than 2013 in specific periods. But the intensity phases of 2014 can be managed with awareness of the influences occurring. for these are taking place purposely. However that does not mean that the periods of high intensity do not have specific purpose, for indeed the frequencial 'bar' is still being raised and specific energetic codes will be aligned to download during astrological openings
The 2014 quadric of equinoxes, solstices, and quadrangle of eclipses are extremely powerful, each presenting unique coded octahedronal portal openings of the New Earth. During the equinoxes, solstices, and especially the 4 eclipses of 2014, a surge of 'new' coded energies will flood the planet.
Key Focal Dates:
•April 15 - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
•October 8 - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
•April 29 - Annual Solar Eclipse
•October 23 - Solar Eclipse (Partial)
•March 20, 2014 - Equinox
•June 21, 2014- Solstice
•September 22, 2014- Equinox
•December 21, 2014 - Solstice
It is absolutely a natural synergy that these astronomical dates provide downloads of coded influx. For these events (solstices, equinoxes and eclipses) truly open gateways, apertures that have always been unique events for such transfers. That is why they have been revered as days of introspection, prayer and meditation in ancient cultures and in many current spiritual sects.
Now the 2014 eclipses take on an even more unique quality, in terms of offering catalystic energy triggers of change both individually and for the planet. In 2014 the 2 lunar eclipses are 'Total' the eclipses occur on the full moon apex both in April and October. . It will be the perfect time to change course in your life by meditating toward self direction and calibration. In 2013 many of you discovered a renewed purpose, experienced a renaissance, and are on newly creative paths that will continue and gain momentum in 2014. Others have chosen to remain on the same path but with a renewed vigor, new perspective or new group association. Many of you will yet discover a new purpose in 2014 and bring to the surface a prolific talent that was previously dormant or unrealized.
In Year One,2013, the Green Flame reactivated bringing you greater ability to commune with the elements and kingdoms of the Earth. Year one also brought in the Portal of the Renaissance that aligned your current time hologram to the three prior Golden Ages. This was coded in the navals of Delphi and Rapa Nui.
2014 provides the energy to complete the 'rebirthing, and alignments by recharging your willfully to the uncompleted points of your 'soul contract' that had not yet been achieved or acted upon.
In 2014 they are even more multifaceted than the potent ones that have taken place since 2009. Each of the above listed dates in 2014 offer the following:
•Time for deep introspection toward self discovery in the New Earth and alignment of goals
•Time for self purification and establishment of impeccability - 'walking ones talk'
•Opportunity for healing relationships, individually & globally ' planting the seeds of Peace & Harmony"
•Enhanced energies within power nodes, enhanced visioning and lucid dreaming.
•A window for recharging & balancing energies, renewal of determination & courage.
•Reception of codes that allow for greater utilization of the full 33 chakras in Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na.
The Grand Trines of 2013 are also still in energy influence through the mid-term of 2014. Three coded 'Portal-Influx' phases will occur and reach an apex in March-April, May-June and again in September & October of 2014..
2014 Key Portals of Coded Influx :
The three Coded Portal Phases of 2014 are as follows:
•Portal of Harmony : March 20 - May 8
•Star-Gate Portal / Violet Ray of Truth :May 14- June 21 - ( Peaking May 22-26)
•The Platinum Ray Portal : September 21 - October 23 :
The first coded phase occurs from the March Equinox to the Total Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Grand Cross and into the Eta Auarids Meteors of May. April has a solar eclipse, lunar eclipse and a Grand Cross sandwiched between the eclipses involving Mars, Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter. It is a hallowed & opportune time to seek harmony, to project harmony collectively. There are codes that allow for a spiritual rebirth on a Global scale and a redesigning, redefining of relationships. It offers an opportunity for the seeds of World Peace to be planted in areas of conflict, especially in what is termed the Middle East. On an individual level, it is a time to bring greater troubled relationships. To reconcile what has been severed. It is an influx of compassion. In a very true sense it is a download of what may be termed 'Unconditional love' the Kristos Energy'.
The second is between May- June with its initial trigger flowing forward from the Harmony Portal of April. This phase also includes the energies of the Grand Water Trine which began in 2013 and remains in force through June of 2014. It is a time of completions. In a very true sense the Star-Gate Portal of May 2014 is the beginning to the Age of Aquarius. It is a time in which the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance will move into a greater influence, and greater presence. This is absolutely an embellished phase for Global prayer a time to gather to meditate in unison for it marks another phase of the 'Return to the Dharma, the Great Nobler Truths.
The third phase occurs between September 20 and October 23, 2014. It is perhaps the most inward reaching. It is a phase containing the codes of the embellished Platinum Ray, the Energy of the Earth Goddess. It harmonizes all 12 physio chakras. In this phase an opportunity of self calibration, and the release of all obstacles that do not serve you as an individual, and as a collective of Humanity on the New Planet Earth. It is a time to shed old remnants, release hidden obstacles. The Platinum Ray represents a time for individuals to manifest the new self, the new purpose, the new partnership, association or direction. It is a time of intense re-energizing, re-vitalizing of life force. It is a time to install the new codes and take action toward a better self and a better collective force. The Platinum Ray is a nurturing energy; it may be termed Feminine in nature, for it allows for a sense of support, as each soul seeks greater light.
The 13-14 Couplet
2014 is in one aspect, coupled with 2013. In the neoteric sequencing of the newborn expansive earth, annual pairing will become the norm. Astro-codes that initiated in 2013, complete in 2014, the true contemporary span then is a 24 month phase. This base 12 doubling will be evident in your experiences in many arenas, especially your calibrations and reformations of relationships. We have told you that 2013 & 2014 are times of change. Consider this advice as a gentle tap on the hand - a 'wake up call' from we who love you deeply. Look first in the mirror, and trace the reflection of your life's interactions. Reflect upon the footsteps of every year of your life that have led you to this moment of 'Now'. Explore deeply the compassion expressed within & without your heart and see what has been gained, and what has been forfeited. Have you traveled so so far only to find yourself in the same place?
Dear Hearts, if your present situation does not suit you, then make the concerted effort, take the action of change .As we have stated, the energies of 2014, offer you enhanced opportunities for such action. Relationships will need to be defined and re-determined. An effective exploration of such employs a requisite of total honesty in all forms of companionship from ' A to Z' allies, acquaintances, lovers, brothers, sisters and even what you may consider 'enemies', antagonists, and adversaries. The 3 core code phases of 2014 afford energies that peculate trapped feelings, hidden emotions to the surface. These are actual frequencies that can create crucible effects for those choosing impeccability. And it is always a choice, whether to achieve clarity or remain in conflicted projection. Greater cleaning, greater consciousness of "Integrity" is absolutely achievable for the serious seeker in the harmonic phases of 2014.
Uranus-Pluto Triggers
Dears Ones when you are not fully in integrity, you are in conflict with self. In truth this crucible purging began last year and will indeed will surface again in 2014. Particularly during the span of the two Uranus-Pluto squares:
** > Uranus Squares Pluto April 21, 2014 at 13? 34' Aries/Capricorn (Uranus direct, Pluto retrograde)
** > Uranus Squares Pluto December 15, 2014 at 12? 35' Aries/Capricorn (Uranus retrograde, Pluto direct)
You may use these energies wisely by completing uncompleted feelings, exploring unexplored emotions and expressing unexpressed opinions. In doing so you can indeed lift a burden that has dimmed your inner sense of self rectitude. Complete honesty can lead you toward not only fidelity, but a greater light-quotient of consciousness. And this year is triggered for such virtue.
And we tell you that those of you in what may be termed 'senior' phases of your physical sojourn, may indeed feel very driven, compelled within the energies of 2014 to 'make things right', and Dearhearts, there is no better time for this, no better energy for this, than the 'Harmonic' phases of 2014. Take advantage of this opportunity, and keep in mind that you are in a temporal setting. Change is the nature of physical reality, and things can change in an instant. People come and go, and often when you least expect it, someone is here and then gone. Find forgiveness ! Look deeply within and without as these words find a foothold in your heart, and lead to action.
We tell you that 2014 is a time to flow, a time to flower. It will be for many of you a year of great change. There is a new energy on the planet. You have created it. There is much yet to do. Use this time to find your roles.
Those of you who have been sitting on the fence, considering taking more committed roles of leadership, writing your book, expressing your inner artistry.. now is your time of actions, finalizing the seeds planted in 2013. 2014 is your year of fruition. The energy will support your highest good.
In 2014 you take your second wind and polish your ability to operate in the New Earth. You take on new missions. It is time to gather together and meditate in coherent union for creating the Earth that you want, a Planet of Peace and Spiritual well being. It is time to utilize the enhanced creative abilities offered in the Aquarian Shift.
I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
...And so it is...and it is so.
The above channel is copyrighted to Earth-Keeper : All Rights Reserved
The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. It may be shared online with expressed permission from EK Admin, as long as you do not charge for it, do not alter , abridge or edit it any way, credit the website & 3d author receiver and include this entire copyright notice . It may not be posted on U-Tube or printed in books or magazines without expressed written permission from Earth-Keeper Admin. For authorization please kindly contact Anne (Earth-Keeper Admin Director) at
2014: An Opportune Year of Change
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light !
As 2013 enters its final weeks, we ask each of you to take pause and consider the powerful progression of events you have experienced individually and cumulatively over the past year. Whether or not you fully recognize that the Planetary Ascension has occurred is truly a moot point, for time moves faster now than ever before.
Masters 2014 is a year of extreme change, and these changes logically occur in primary nodes you term as astrological events. Yet these are far more than you currently comprehend.Within each node are codes that affect your auric field through induction. These codes serve myriad purpose.
A coded astrological event is like an animated energy fountain, an organic cascade that affects you on a very deep level. It is an infused conscious and purposeful coordination of sacred frequency. Within its own arrangement of particalized light, it is just as alive as you are, the difference being that it has no individual agenda and its evolution depends upon its environment as well as the environments of all other star gates. If astrological powernodes, specifically solstices, equinoxes and eclipses were to be truly understood as the devices of induction they truly are, you would then define them more aptly as an aperture in the space time contingency, an insert succinctly purposed & governed by the organic geometric nature and framework of resonance of their entry into your plane and their expansive essence. Nothing stands still, and regardless of how time and dimensionality are measured, change continues to reveal and express itself astrologically....and logically so.
And so as we begin this discussion of 2014, we encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of individual Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.
Dear Ones, in these radically transitional times, always remember that Spirit speaks of LOVE. Spirit does not attack. Every current religion on your Earth has its truths and distortions. Discernment is the key. It is requisite of you to decide what is true and what is not, based on heart and NOT FEAR. No true sacred expression limits its truth, its beauty, to one grouping.
The current time offers each of you an opportunity to choose to live free, to choose to release worry and fear, and create your own well-being. Respect and Nurture one another, and embrace LOVE. It is the science and frequency of God. It is the way that the Nation of Humanity will UNITE, it is the way humanity will Ascend, and 2014 is a key phase for allowing you to coherently create the Earth you desire. Year Two of the New Earth, 2014, energetically initiates the true phase into what is termed the 'Age of Aquarius', the true beginning of the Aquarian Shift.
A Key Time
Accordingly Masters, you are in the folds of a key sojourn. Indeed there are specific lifetimes that are more highlighted within your vast sojourns, certain vectors in space-time that offer succinct quantum leaps. Within these are crucial crossroads of decision that define you. This is one of those lifetimes. Energy and time are moving fast, much is happening on your Earth as you continue to adjust and calibrate to the Crystalline transitions of the New Earth in 2014. It will not be easy, nothing truly worthwhile occurs without focal effort ... but it will be a joyous accomplishment and credential. For you are among the souls that are collating to create the planet of harmony. Accordingly 2014 is an incredibly important year, in many ways more so than 2013. For in 2013 you were in the early phases of adjustment to the New Earth. You were exercising the utility of new chakras that extend into higher dimensions. In 2014 you will begin stretching new wings and trying out flight into new spectra. You will be working in theta coherency to visually create a world of harmony ! It will take time but potent tools are now in place. What happened in 2013 was a new beginning. That new beginning is the New Template of the New Earth. The Ascension of the Earth has allowed for the dimensional revision and expansion of the planet. The Earth is expanded to a Crystalline Field, expanded from the 5th to the 12th dimensions. In 2013 you began learning the ropes, and in 2014 you will progress further in this exploration. It will take concerted effort.
2014 will be a year in which you continue to experience many subtle shifts on your levels of awareness. Your expanded chakric system is still adjusting to operating in new manners and indeed in new dimensions. The layers of your CEF (Crystalline Auric Field) are still somewhat in flux, still stabilizing for most of you. The expansions can and do effect to varying degrees your sensory systems & emotional field.
Mental Focus
In Year Two of the New Earth, you are required to make a greater effort in your mental focus. It may at times feel to you that you are struggling to maintain balance, to keep focus. This is a combination of the new energy influxes and the requirement to not only adjust & calibrate but to crystallize your purpose and intent. The Aquarian shift with its change in ionic ratios (from the past 2 decades of Solar Radiation) now surrounds the planet and is compelling each of you to put your spiritual life in order. The ionic ratio change is up-shifting the 'code-wiring' between the mental fields of the conscious and subconscious, between physical actuality and divine pattern. Because of the coronal mass ejections jet streams of anionic plasma circulate the earth and pocket around specific 'sacred sites' . These allow for easier access into theta coherent consciousness, and it is within theta coherency that you are able to more effectively create the New Earth.
There are certain timings in 2014 in which you will feel and focus on those areas of your life stream that need to be addressed. You will be required to confront the self and prioritize what actions are needed. Redefine your inner contracts and determine how you wish to utilize your remaining time on the planet. You will be compelled to seize the moment , and make a bucket list !
You can no longer sit complacently on the fence. 2014 is a time to determine the missing pieces of your puzzle. It is time to make your mark, to contribute your part, to consider the legacy your life will be. And yes it involved putting the pieces together ... assembly is required! The Crystal Frequency is becoming even more powerful in 2014. This is a resonance that increasingly will influence each of you into more ' impeccability '. This is simply an aspect of understanding who you are and becoming true to the highest standards. It requires you each to take your power and walk in integrity, to truly become impeccable.
Each of you has an opportunity to be impeccable every day. The scenario in which you recognize your own failings, your own conflict with integrity, is the day you more fully encompass Mastery, and indeed it is a journey. Likewise the day you stand in your truth with willingness to recognize another person's truth, you achieve the compassionate aspect of integrity. This truth then applies to individuals and nations as well, it applies in macro and micro.
In 2014, the aspects of inner conflict will move into the crucible phase for purification. Any dishonesties, any flaws that were hidden, any shadows will come into light in order to be faced. Align your actions to highest goals. Prioritize ! Examine your path..and plan your journey consciously.
Understand then that it is the energy of the Earth in the Ascension in parity with the 144-Crystalline Grid that enabled and continues to drive the crystalline energy expansion of the Earth into greater and more lucid dimensional reach. And take note Masters, the energy from 5d to 12d that is accessible to you now is only the beginning. For the aspect you term zero field is the aspect of crystalline dimension. It expands into energy dimensions that indeed exist within you, but have been dormant, inaccessible to the masses of humanity, yet these crystalline dimensions are your true impeccable origin, and you exist in higher form within them.
An Essential Understanding
We will first tell you once again that the Ascension of the Planet did indeed occur. It is essential you understand this and not lose faith. There are ever the naysayers and will continue to be those that question, even among those on the path, that any real changes took place after December 21, 2012. The Ascension did occur, those of you of light made it so. But we want to clarify it is the graduation of the Planet Earth, an expansion into 12 Dimensions that has taken place. And it is the ascension of the planet that has made the coming ascension of humanity possible.
So we will tell you that the Ascension is a new beginning. And in 2013, the Earth entered into the new format that will allow for humanities ability to rise lucidly, further ascend consciously into higher dimensions. The New Earth now carriers a matrix through the Crystalline Grid that is absolutely enabling humanity to be more aware of their true nature within multi-dimensionality.
We assure you that in 2013 a new sun dawned, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the light of the magnificent New Earth. And Dear Ones, we do mean magnificent. In this new era, it is incumbent upon the seekers to project joy, to project light, for in the expansion to Crystalline Harmonics, every photon of mental light you project is exponentially amplified. And this occurs more rapidly in the New Energy of 2014. So your roles take on a new importance, a greater benevolence, as your creation powers increase in that termed the Aquarian Shift. So we speak in specifics of 2014 !
2014 Power Dates & Activation Phases
The energies of 2014 will be less intense than the obstacle course of increasing frequencies experienced by humanity in 2011 and 2012, but perhaps more intense than 2013 in specific periods. But the intensity phases of 2014 can be managed with awareness of the influences occurring. for these are taking place purposely. However that does not mean that the periods of high intensity do not have specific purpose, for indeed the frequencial 'bar' is still being raised and specific energetic codes will be aligned to download during astrological openings
The 2014 quadric of equinoxes, solstices, and quadrangle of eclipses are extremely powerful, each presenting unique coded octahedronal portal openings of the New Earth. During the equinoxes, solstices, and especially the 4 eclipses of 2014, a surge of 'new' coded energies will flood the planet.
Key Focal Dates:
•April 15 - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
•October 8 - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
•April 29 - Annual Solar Eclipse
•October 23 - Solar Eclipse (Partial)
•March 20, 2014 - Equinox
•June 21, 2014- Solstice
•September 22, 2014- Equinox
•December 21, 2014 - Solstice
It is absolutely a natural synergy that these astronomical dates provide downloads of coded influx. For these events (solstices, equinoxes and eclipses) truly open gateways, apertures that have always been unique events for such transfers. That is why they have been revered as days of introspection, prayer and meditation in ancient cultures and in many current spiritual sects.
Now the 2014 eclipses take on an even more unique quality, in terms of offering catalystic energy triggers of change both individually and for the planet. In 2014 the 2 lunar eclipses are 'Total' the eclipses occur on the full moon apex both in April and October. . It will be the perfect time to change course in your life by meditating toward self direction and calibration. In 2013 many of you discovered a renewed purpose, experienced a renaissance, and are on newly creative paths that will continue and gain momentum in 2014. Others have chosen to remain on the same path but with a renewed vigor, new perspective or new group association. Many of you will yet discover a new purpose in 2014 and bring to the surface a prolific talent that was previously dormant or unrealized.
In Year One,2013, the Green Flame reactivated bringing you greater ability to commune with the elements and kingdoms of the Earth. Year one also brought in the Portal of the Renaissance that aligned your current time hologram to the three prior Golden Ages. This was coded in the navals of Delphi and Rapa Nui.
2014 provides the energy to complete the 'rebirthing, and alignments by recharging your willfully to the uncompleted points of your 'soul contract' that had not yet been achieved or acted upon.
In 2014 they are even more multifaceted than the potent ones that have taken place since 2009. Each of the above listed dates in 2014 offer the following:
•Time for deep introspection toward self discovery in the New Earth and alignment of goals
•Time for self purification and establishment of impeccability - 'walking ones talk'
•Opportunity for healing relationships, individually & globally ' planting the seeds of Peace & Harmony"
•Enhanced energies within power nodes, enhanced visioning and lucid dreaming.
•A window for recharging & balancing energies, renewal of determination & courage.
•Reception of codes that allow for greater utilization of the full 33 chakras in Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na.
The Grand Trines of 2013 are also still in energy influence through the mid-term of 2014. Three coded 'Portal-Influx' phases will occur and reach an apex in March-April, May-June and again in September & October of 2014..
2014 Key Portals of Coded Influx :
The three Coded Portal Phases of 2014 are as follows:
•Portal of Harmony : March 20 - May 8
•Star-Gate Portal / Violet Ray of Truth :May 14- June 21 - ( Peaking May 22-26)
•The Platinum Ray Portal : September 21 - October 23 :
The first coded phase occurs from the March Equinox to the Total Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Grand Cross and into the Eta Auarids Meteors of May. April has a solar eclipse, lunar eclipse and a Grand Cross sandwiched between the eclipses involving Mars, Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter. It is a hallowed & opportune time to seek harmony, to project harmony collectively. There are codes that allow for a spiritual rebirth on a Global scale and a redesigning, redefining of relationships. It offers an opportunity for the seeds of World Peace to be planted in areas of conflict, especially in what is termed the Middle East. On an individual level, it is a time to bring greater troubled relationships. To reconcile what has been severed. It is an influx of compassion. In a very true sense it is a download of what may be termed 'Unconditional love' the Kristos Energy'.
The second is between May- June with its initial trigger flowing forward from the Harmony Portal of April. This phase also includes the energies of the Grand Water Trine which began in 2013 and remains in force through June of 2014. It is a time of completions. In a very true sense the Star-Gate Portal of May 2014 is the beginning to the Age of Aquarius. It is a time in which the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance will move into a greater influence, and greater presence. This is absolutely an embellished phase for Global prayer a time to gather to meditate in unison for it marks another phase of the 'Return to the Dharma, the Great Nobler Truths.
The third phase occurs between September 20 and October 23, 2014. It is perhaps the most inward reaching. It is a phase containing the codes of the embellished Platinum Ray, the Energy of the Earth Goddess. It harmonizes all 12 physio chakras. In this phase an opportunity of self calibration, and the release of all obstacles that do not serve you as an individual, and as a collective of Humanity on the New Planet Earth. It is a time to shed old remnants, release hidden obstacles. The Platinum Ray represents a time for individuals to manifest the new self, the new purpose, the new partnership, association or direction. It is a time of intense re-energizing, re-vitalizing of life force. It is a time to install the new codes and take action toward a better self and a better collective force. The Platinum Ray is a nurturing energy; it may be termed Feminine in nature, for it allows for a sense of support, as each soul seeks greater light.
The 13-14 Couplet
2014 is in one aspect, coupled with 2013. In the neoteric sequencing of the newborn expansive earth, annual pairing will become the norm. Astro-codes that initiated in 2013, complete in 2014, the true contemporary span then is a 24 month phase. This base 12 doubling will be evident in your experiences in many arenas, especially your calibrations and reformations of relationships. We have told you that 2013 & 2014 are times of change. Consider this advice as a gentle tap on the hand - a 'wake up call' from we who love you deeply. Look first in the mirror, and trace the reflection of your life's interactions. Reflect upon the footsteps of every year of your life that have led you to this moment of 'Now'. Explore deeply the compassion expressed within & without your heart and see what has been gained, and what has been forfeited. Have you traveled so so far only to find yourself in the same place?
Dear Hearts, if your present situation does not suit you, then make the concerted effort, take the action of change .As we have stated, the energies of 2014, offer you enhanced opportunities for such action. Relationships will need to be defined and re-determined. An effective exploration of such employs a requisite of total honesty in all forms of companionship from ' A to Z' allies, acquaintances, lovers, brothers, sisters and even what you may consider 'enemies', antagonists, and adversaries. The 3 core code phases of 2014 afford energies that peculate trapped feelings, hidden emotions to the surface. These are actual frequencies that can create crucible effects for those choosing impeccability. And it is always a choice, whether to achieve clarity or remain in conflicted projection. Greater cleaning, greater consciousness of "Integrity" is absolutely achievable for the serious seeker in the harmonic phases of 2014.
Uranus-Pluto Triggers
Dears Ones when you are not fully in integrity, you are in conflict with self. In truth this crucible purging began last year and will indeed will surface again in 2014. Particularly during the span of the two Uranus-Pluto squares:
** > Uranus Squares Pluto April 21, 2014 at 13? 34' Aries/Capricorn (Uranus direct, Pluto retrograde)
** > Uranus Squares Pluto December 15, 2014 at 12? 35' Aries/Capricorn (Uranus retrograde, Pluto direct)
You may use these energies wisely by completing uncompleted feelings, exploring unexplored emotions and expressing unexpressed opinions. In doing so you can indeed lift a burden that has dimmed your inner sense of self rectitude. Complete honesty can lead you toward not only fidelity, but a greater light-quotient of consciousness. And this year is triggered for such virtue.
And we tell you that those of you in what may be termed 'senior' phases of your physical sojourn, may indeed feel very driven, compelled within the energies of 2014 to 'make things right', and Dearhearts, there is no better time for this, no better energy for this, than the 'Harmonic' phases of 2014. Take advantage of this opportunity, and keep in mind that you are in a temporal setting. Change is the nature of physical reality, and things can change in an instant. People come and go, and often when you least expect it, someone is here and then gone. Find forgiveness ! Look deeply within and without as these words find a foothold in your heart, and lead to action.
We tell you that 2014 is a time to flow, a time to flower. It will be for many of you a year of great change. There is a new energy on the planet. You have created it. There is much yet to do. Use this time to find your roles.
Those of you who have been sitting on the fence, considering taking more committed roles of leadership, writing your book, expressing your inner artistry.. now is your time of actions, finalizing the seeds planted in 2013. 2014 is your year of fruition. The energy will support your highest good.
In 2014 you take your second wind and polish your ability to operate in the New Earth. You take on new missions. It is time to gather together and meditate in coherent union for creating the Earth that you want, a Planet of Peace and Spiritual well being. It is time to utilize the enhanced creative abilities offered in the Aquarian Shift.
I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
...And so it is...and it is so.
The above channel is copyrighted to Earth-Keeper : All Rights Reserved
The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. It may be shared online with expressed permission from EK Admin, as long as you do not charge for it, do not alter , abridge or edit it any way, credit the website & 3d author receiver and include this entire copyright notice . It may not be posted on U-Tube or printed in books or magazines without expressed written permission from Earth-Keeper Admin. For authorization please kindly contact Anne (Earth-Keeper Admin Director) at
November 9, 2013
Nov. 8, 2013
My dear friends,
I think I can speak on behalf of all of us when I say that these past few weeks and more specifically these past few days of the solar eclipse have been rather rough and have led us to specific insights and to situations that can only contribute to our evolution. In my point of view (and I feel this personally as well) we are currently dealing with a very intense energy wave which is straining at times but nevertheless something we can cope with. I especially notice it around me in “Living together”conditions with others (in my case living with my children) and I can easily see the effects this energy shift has on them and I have to learn how to deal with it in conjunction with my own process and that of friends and family. All in all, it is sometimes difficult to remain in a balanced state or to regain it. HOWEVER what I find highly effective is to retreat yourself temporarily and to go within, to feel yourself in that moment and to just be without any obligations or expectations. To enjoy yourself, to take care of yourself, to open yourself up. Being quiet and giving yourself completely in full trust to the currents of energy flowing through you all the while being aware that you are those energies. You cannot keep this source of energy from flowing and moving into who you really are lest you remain fixed in this duality (denial, separation and density). You want to expand, to flow and to ascend : you, being an energy, want to break free out of the box (dense physical body) but simultaneously you keep yourself locked in this box. As a result you are becoming restless because you want to grow, you want to break free and for some reason or another this doesn’t happen. You don’t see that it is you who is holding you back and keeping you fixed. I have a feeling that it is with this inward struggle we truly are getting a helping hand. Dare to have faith in yourself (your Divine Self not your alter ego) and in your guides closest to you; they are so very near and palpable even recognizable and in plain sight.
Saint Germain is going to talk about this process which we are all going through at present and I get the impression that we won’t take short cuts but that we will go through a very intense, deep and rather long process (not that it takes a long time in earthly time as time is going rapidly now, I mean it is not going to be a process in a day or 2) with all the upcoming portals and the energetic inflows coupled with Retrograde positions of certain planets. Breathe deeply in and out. Much love, Méline and Saint Germain
~ Saint Germain ~
Greetings my dearly beloved friends, this is Saint Germain coming through. With pride and with so much love for your Being I step forward with the most loving and best intentions to hearten all of you and to encourage you so that you can brace yourselves for the present very challenging moments and processes that are now in front of you.
Nearly a year has passed in your Earthly time with regards to the evolution of the Global Ascension since the milestone of the December alignment in 2012. Can you see how fast this time has elapsed? A day seems like a week in earthly timing; it is just that fast that everything evolves in your reality. Furthermore you comprehend equally fast what is going on in your Earthly reality with the best possibilities at your disposal.
My dearest friends, my brothers and sisters, I am truly pleased with your progression that you all attain in your own personal living conditions and in the heart of your Being. We are now entering a time of much turbulence where you will be shaken to your very core, as a figure of speech, but nonetheless that’s how it will feel. I sense the pains, the emotions, the stumbling blocks and the blockades raging inside of you like a whirlwind that leaves nothing untouched in your inner world nor in your outer world.
Allow me to delve deeper into this subject and to give you some clarity as to the meaning of it all and to show you the direction you have all taken. As a collective unit you have chosen to perform a thorough and all-embracing cleansing because the Earthly domains were still dwelling in a rather impure state, still harboring karmic energies within the world of the Lightworkers as well as in the collective unit in the lower dualistic domains. This desire for a thorough and intense cleansing and clearance is your creation and has therefore become a Divine Plan to assist you and Gaia even more in the breaking out of the very last dualistic shapes and dito vibrations.
I am going to delve deeper especially in the fact that the collective unit of humanity is still too clinging to the truth as provided by the alter ego and to the corresponding emotions. It is a whirlwind of confrontations and a clearing of them that comes your way in the guise of an opportunity to truly see this within yourself, to truly accept it as a part of yourself and to completely reverse it to the Divine Self of the Light through this process. The afore-mentioned “Divine Self of the Light” is your Divine Self that always communicates through the heart.
Whenever someone communicates through the heart to no matter who, including the Self, it will be done in an unconditional and most respectable way. No distinction is made between right or wrong, between good or evil. Everything is a form of expression and is a perception which is absolutely respected and accepted for its own essence.
View this tough phase in which you now find yourselves as an enormous gift and as an opportunity to get everything pertaining to yourself in a balanced state and to embrace everything in the love that you are. In order to gain a balanced state you have to accept yourself completely including all parts of your essence no matter how dark some part of yourself may be : it is all you!! I would really like to stress this fact because you so often think that the ego and the dark aspects of your being have to be eliminated. However, in truth it is way better to accept them unconditionally as a part of yourself. Doing so you can restore your balanced state and hence you can function as a balanced polarity, reflecting the zero point or the neutrality.
The solar eclipse has everything to do with this : it gives an extra impulse pushing you to your own inner self whether you want to or not. You are led to face the facts on what you are involved in and on what should be your focus. Trivialities turn into really unbearable situations enticing you to just give up; it really looks like you are not spared from the harsh lessons of life. My dear friends, nothing is too hard or too heavy for you to bear because you just attract exactly that which you can cope with, nothing more and nothing less… in all cases it is always exactly what you need to lead you where you ought to be : everything is created from your I AM Presence.
Do not forget that your I AM Presence is presently in the process of descending into your reality and into your embodiment. Therefore, nothing impure may remain in you lest your I AM Presence cannot fully descent. The supremacy of the alter ego can no longer take the lead in this process of merging with your essential I. So look at this tough time as a blessing and as a gift to discard everything that is no longer needed. It is no longer a question of willing but of having to discard and release. The time of the reign of the alter ego is over and done with, it’s that simple.
The incoming energies are going to strengthen everything and are helping you to shift to the degree in which you want to be. It is a shift within a shift within a shift.That’s why a breather was granted during the months of September and October in order to prepare you mentally for this. It is the big event now unfolding within your reality : I am referring to the descent of your I AM Presence and the exile of your alter ego; I am also referring to the cutting of all the strings that still keep you attached to the duality and to the old familiar ways of being. Release all limitations, all contracts and your ego and Be from your heart.
Have faith, release, care for each other, love one another, relax, breathe deeply in and out, ground yourself, keep your focus and your positive intentions, accept, be unconditionally open for everything that comes your way, do not judge but rather go with the flow without any convictions, with no expectations, with no delineations. Just be as an observer from a neutral point of view and remain quiet in your own cocoon which will lead you through all the upheavals or the possible chaos to a place of safety and comfort. The less you struggle the smoother it will all unfold. Remember that there is NO separation; everything you conceive of as separation will disconnect you with Reality.
As a human being you are inclined to think too much, you search for reasons behind everything that happens, you want te be accepted, acknowledged and convinced, you have your beliefs. My dear friends, dare to BE and to KNOW. Communication and change happen first from within, a fact that you have understood, seen and comprehended by now. That’s the reason for the great cleansing for all of humanity which will leave nobody unaffected as everybody, litterally every living organism, will be affected for there is no other way to arrive at where you want to be and that is “home”. Your home, your BEING, your heart. That is where it all lies and that is what you are!
This communication that I share with all of you comes straight from my heart, my Being, my energy. It is my purpose to be clear, without mincing, for you are entitled to clarity and to guidance. You are all in my heart, unconditionally and without any reservations! I ask of you to call on me or on the Ascended Masters whenever things get too tough, we will assist you out of the unconditional love we feel for you. It is you who have to do the work but with a helping hand by clarifying your heart intentions and calling on us you will go further in a supportive and easier way than by being stubborn and by struggling with yourself.
Do not be too proud to ask for help to no matter who, for it is very important to be there for each other in these most trying of times. You are going through this as a collective unit and whenever you help and assist another in his/her quest you help yourself in the heart. Be well, Masters of Ascension, I feel absolutely blessed with such brothers and sisters; I admire your tenacity and your tolerance, your understanding and your love for each other for let me tell you that you have chosen this process because of the love you feel for each other and for yourself. Everybody wants to see each living soul evolve in his/her Ascension process and that’s why you made the choice to arrive at a collective change and dito enlightenment. You are all wondrous Masters and it truly is an honour to cooperate with all of you.
In Light and Love. I AM Saint Germain.
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2013, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered and
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