September 24, 2010

Transformation 6: From Here to There

August 3, 2010


My special greetings to all who will read this message: Between now and the end of 2012, the structures on Earth created by the dark energy and its human and non-human accomplices will collapse. These include governments, monetary systems, religions, educational systems, and health care systems. The oil and extractive industries, as well as major corporations will crumble. Your public utilities, media, and internet will no longer function. This is all part Earth’s healing for, as with any patient, her wounds must be cleaned before her healing (transformation) can commence.
Most of your current structures and beliefs are now being shown as rotten at their cores. Financial systems benefit the wealthy. Governments benefit those in power. The legal system functions for those who are a part of it. The churches preach to squeeze contributions from believers. Oil conglomerates and corporations exist to enrich management and stockholders, not customers. Educational institutions train the next generation to be passive and compliant robots for other structures. Your media serves those in power. Your enslavement has been quite cleverly and thoroughly constructed. Short of becoming a hermit, you cannot escape the structures and beliefs imposed on you. All of this must undergo a metamorphosis in order for a new Earth and a new civilization to emerge. As these structures break down, there will be a time of great chaos.
The Earth will be healed of the many wounds she has suffered at the hand of her human inhabitants. Her waters will be cleaned, as will as her land and air. This however cannot proceed until there is an end to the burning of fossil fuels, mining for minerals, and dumping waste. 2012 is not the end; it marks the beginning of a new era: Earth’s 4th dimension — a higher frequency, a lighter density for the planet and her inhabitants. As I have previously communicated, this new Earth will resemble the old in some ways, but not in others. Beyond 2012 lies a time of rebuilding a new civilization for Earth’s humans. It will emerge from a metamorphosis of the old, like mushrooms emerging from decaying matter, like new grass emerging from rich soil.
After the chaos a time of gradual reconstruction will emerge. Measured from today, this period will take from 3 to 5 years. Little will happen instantly. Those who are preaching instant transformation are misleading otherwise conscious people. Each person has the ability to manage his or her experiences in this lifetime. This experience management takes place against the backdrop of the existing environment. All about you is a created reality, energy slowed into matter, but you did not perform that task; it was done long before you appeared on the scene. You are the actors and actresses on the stage of your circumstances. You as individual humans do not have the ability to create your circumstances, experience them yes, create them no. The problem with seeing your circumstances, your environment, as of your own creation and attempting to change your reality by imaging it differently is that this type of reasoning will lead you to withdrawing from the practical side of your current circumstances. Withdrawing is not the reason for which you incarnated at this time and place. Experiencing life in this 3rd density, overcoming its restrictions, and moving into 4th dimension living is the reason for your incarnation.
The disintegration of the old is a necessary prelude to the emergence of the new. Yes all is energy; your physical world is but a slow form of energy, but it still obeys the laws of the universe: If one thing is to emerge, that which is currently in its place must disappear. This holds true for the current situation on your planet. The structures used to create your current civilization  (corporations, monetary systems, healthcare, schools, governments, media, and religions) will disappear. Unfortunately there are few pieces of these current structures that can be salvaged to construct the new. It is only when people realize that the current paradigm does not serve them that the there is a possibility to construct a new one. As long as people cling to their current ways, or refuse to admit how they impact their lives, there is little room for reconstruction.
This is not to dismiss the many new initiatives; some will ultimately bear fruit. They will be the foundation for the new Earth. The individual initiatives of ordinary people will ultimately emerge as the bedrock of the new. It will not be necessary for you to descend to the depths of a primitive society without modern conveniences like running water and toilets. Your new civilization will be constructed from bits and pieces of the old, minus the overarching structures and beliefs.
Nothing in the universe moves quickly, deliberately yes, quickly no. You can see it in the creation of galaxies, and in the growth of plants and animals. Their creation is not done in an instant. It is only the impatience of humans that would construct instantaneous solutions to situations that have taken many years to develop. Yes the higher dimensions are the path of ascension, but it is a path, not an instantaneous elevator ride.
The reason that change is taking so long, despite the desire of many for a better life, is that the situation is quite complex. First there are some who like things the way they are. Second there are many who would welcome change, but only on their terms, only by avoiding the rigors associated with the change. Third is the desire, on the part of those assisting this transition, to make it as painless as possible. Only a very tiny fraction of the whole of humanity is ready to move from the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension, by taking the necessary steps to uplift their consciousness while at the same time paying attention to their bodies’ needs and the needs of their environment. Many want to instantaneously ascend to the higher vibrations, yet they have done nothing more than wish for it. Wishing will not make it happen. Action makes things happen.
So it will take several revolutions about the sun star for Earth to return herself to a pristine state, and that will be with maximum assistance of your space brothers and sisters, and those of us from the celestial realm. Coupling all this with the dissolution of your structures and beliefs, and making the transformation as smooth as possible, will ensure a level playing field for the new Earth civilization. Then we shall see what Earth humans will do with that.
You will be assisted with electricity supplied by your space brothers and sisters. This will come first to the settlements of the Caretakers, second to the surrounding areas, and third to the larger population. Again it will not happen instantaneously in all areas. Again I say, yes, all is energy, but Earth controls all that is natural and she is dictating what will be on her new world. She plays an integral part in all creation on this planet, from newborn babies to tufts of grass. You as individual souls do not have the ability to instantly modify your physical surroundings. Yes you can create your experiences, but that is only against the backdrop of a willing planet.
So the time beyond 2012 will be a time of rebuilding. It will not be easy, as so little of the current structures and beliefs can be utilized. New structures will be put into place, in the context of Oneness and collaboration. New truths will emerge to replace old beliefs. Look about yourself today, how long does it take to change a belief? Years! How long does it take to construct a new institution? Years! Even with the benefit of living in the 4th dimension, it will still take several years for the fullness of the new Earth to emerge.
So a new civilization will slowly emerge after 2012. It will start in pockets that have been spared the worst of the chaos, due to their relatively benign attitudes and “fear-less-ness.” In these sacred pockets of community will emerge the new humans for the new Earth. Many are being led to these gathering places, knowing that they are to be part of the something new. Slowly they will emerge into viable communities, sustainable communities based on barter and collaboration, but living in love at a high standard of development, not cave dwellers. Your space brothers and sisters will come to mentor these communities. They will bring with them technologies that will enable these communities to develop quite rapidly – rapidly, not instantaneously.
During the dismantling and reconstruction process there will be many opportunities for soul growth, for experiencing, for setting examples, for leadership, and for discovering who you really are. It is a wondrous time to be present on Earth, a time of massive change, but also a time of great promise. All who are now present on Earth are invited to take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity.
If you are digesting this message then you are already functioning at a higher frequency. Recognize those situations in which you are without fear, without anger or anxiety, and when you are seeing all about you from a center of love. Find ways to remain in that state for longer and longer periods. In addition, discover the personal merkaba that will make your transition to the lighter densities much easier.
It is my wish that by spelling out the Earth transition that it will cause you to prepare yourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I look forward to interacting with you in the higher dimensions. I am Adrial; I wish you a wondrous journey through the transformation.
Thank you Adrial. Wow, what a change from your prior message.
In Truth, Love and Joy,
Rev. Mark Kimmel

Metatron 9/30/10


Quantum Consciousness: The Nature of Time

Changing the Past In Mer-Ka-Na

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you all within this precise vector of timeless space. I embrace you in unconditional love.
The physical system in duality is a purposeful illusion. You are dreaming the dream of humanity. You are powerful spiritual beings wearing filters. You are Divine sparks of Creator source attending the University of Earth. And so you must accept this axiom, and from your viewpoint try to understand the greater realities that exist beyond your physical perceptions, and they are many. And LOVE is the building block, the core 'DNA' of everything.
The Nature of Time
And so we speak of Time.
Time and space are aspects of the same mechanism. Space, in a manner of speaking is congealed time held in a matrixial kinetic format within duality that allows for the separation and program of the purposed programmed illusion of sequential time metrics. Accordingly time is the inverse of space, in dynamic free flow. Both occur though the harmonic flash of consciousness units, through the mechanisms of the inward and outward pulse of matter to antimatter via black holes and white holes. The inward -outward Harmonic Flash is not only the point in which space and time merge into a homogenous foam , it is also the rate of consciousness unit perception that strobes attention of awareness into each simultaneous lifetime. This occurs at a magical rate called the Planck Number, occurring precisely at 10 to the power of -43 of one second. At this point time and space merge and become nonlinear and the Torus aspect comes into play. Space is inversed, turned back upon itself, and time units float in a nonlinear discontinuous quantized pool of what you term past, present and future. The space-time continuum dissolves, in a manner of speaking and become conscious energy units that are reformed into matter and antimatter, as they are pulled in and projected out in the harmonic flash via black holes & white holes respectively. .
This was reviewed in an earlier assay, and we will not review these phenomena in this discussion. Our focus is rather on your perception of time and the ability to enter the Mer-Ka-Vic point in which you can alter the past and future from the nonlinear NOW.
The Omni-Earth
The separation of your 'lifetimes', in your vernacular, are anchored to the Omni Earth in hologramic inserts or 'Time-Separation' programs. Through various mechanisms, the advanced human can enter into these and through Mer-Ka-Na enter the center of the over-soul where each time sequenced 'lifetime' is anchored like fiber-optic spokes. From this center point, you indeed are at the control panel to explore and change any aspect of any and all lifetimes in the nonlinear NOW.
While these time-programs are anchored to the Omni-Earth at specific points which often display multi-dimensional anomalies, one does not need to visit such earthen nodes to enter. Rather they are entered via Quantum Consciousness. This process is taught in the Metatronic Keys.
Question to Metatron: Are there areas within the Earth that naturally create time distortions?
Metatron: There are indeed. And we have spoken about this is previous assays. Time can be compared in certain ways to a computer program. Often your 'Windows' programs on your laptop and desktops can go into distortions of their programming and the desired separation of sub programs can intermingle creating mixes that twist and deform the conceived order. In this analogy we can say that both time and space as you perceive it are linear sub-programs of the earth grid reality projection. Time and Space can be said to be hologramic program insertions that allow the Quantum Omni-Earth to be tidily separated from simultaneous NOW reality into your focal, seemingly independent 'lifetime sojourns'.
So we tell you that just as your Windows can produce occasional anomalies in its desired separations of programs, so does the program of the Hologramic Earth Matrix of linear time have a flux that creates intermingle and distortion. That distortion occurs on several levels. The first is due to a gravitational flux that can rhythmically occur in the specific area or come in as a surge or rogue wave. When this occurs the very gravity distortion also affects the space-time continuum in the area, and creates a dimensional aperture field very similar to what occurs in the poles.
Points of Time Continuum Anomaly
All versions of the Omni-Earth coexist above the linear programming. But this axiom of Truth is initially very difficult for you humans to perceive or truly completely comprehend from the stance of the third dimension.
That is because the 3d density aspect of the human physical structure in duality manifestation operates within and as a result of the linear time 'program' that enables the Earthplane experience. You are therefore pre-indoctrinated to linear perception in Earthplane existence. This linear perception program determines to a great extent the 'normal' resonance patterns for the kinds of experiential probabilities that mankind selects, projects and perceives while 'growing' into greater consciousness from the base point of dense physicality. But we tell you that the source reality of which all lifetimes emerge is not 'written in stone', thus your experience is truly never predestined. You chose from an assortment of potentials the experiences you want to have. Both the Cosmos and all life contained within and without are always being created in the NOW moment.
And although your 3d preconditioning is linear, you not only have the ability to reach beyond physical programming, you also have the ultimate goal of doing so. While inhabited by human consciousness, the living physical body operates as an intense focus point for Earthplane experience. The aggregation of consciousness within the physical body on all levels focuses its own myriad network of sensory perception and communication, both on levels of the ordinary, and the extraordinary. In terms of the latter, you are therefore constantly perceiving in ways that you do not recognize with the 'ordinary' physical senses. There are vast arrays of colors, sounds, electromagnetic codes, and sensory feelings that you see & apperceive both on a cellular and crystalline level of chakric networks sourced in Quantum Consciousness that are geometrically and frequencially influencing you. This network is connected in harmonic oscillation to all others like it. But humanity is at this time vastly unaware of these extraordinary levels of interaction that take place between all spectra of bodies, crysto-electromagnetically and materially within biology. This interface occurs in Crysto Mer-Ka-Na light body and is more far reaching than humanity in masse realize. Yet the physical cells in biology can and do respond to each other, and their activity triggers even higher centers of crystalline light body consciousness that ties into and above linear time. Rather into multidimensionality.
Multi-Dimensional Time Holograms
So in this assay we are going to speak of Time and its nature in more than one context. We will speak of human perception of time as it relates to your lifetime-sojourn experiences and your ability to script and re-script both future and past. We will also touch lightly upon separation mechanics of hologramic time program inserts onto the earth, and their anchoring to certain points on the Omni-Earth.
Now, many points upon the earth contain magnetic and gravitational oscillations that create a time anomaly. Some are recognized, others are not. None are understood much less accepted as possible by your main stream academics as yet. Time is a sub program of light physics, and is in essence a created illusion. It can and is effected somewhat at anchor points by gravity, earth spin ratio, electromagnetics and celestial alignments. All of which are mechanisms of this phenomena.
Now, time as you perceive it, is simply that, a perception. We assure you that time truly does not exist in the linear manner that you believe, beyond duality. And even within the filtered lens of duality, there are certain areas of dimensional overlay that occur on your planet in which striking time anomalies can and do occur. You see there are many Earths that concentrically occur within the space that mankind perceives physical earth to occupy. There are frequencial mechanisms that connect these overlays of parallel dimension, and these create gateways to other timeframe subprograms and realities that coexist differently and more tangibly within these unique areas.
Simultaneous Time
To explain it in your present day computer analogy, Space and Time are sub-programs of digital-dimensional light. Space-Time then is a hologramic server that can simultaneously store many different files and sub files within its storage capacity. Just as there are locations within the stages of computer access that allow you to see all of the programs and files and navigate from one to the other, so there are locational vectors on the Earth program that anchor the hologramic dimensional gateways that allow access into other metric/matrix files of reality and time formats.
So as you live this 'present' life in the perceived time of today, you also live all your existences at once. Time 'programs' are hologramic and these programs are manifolded and coded in certain areas, especially the polar regions. Gateways or multi program access occurs in them.
The area of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas contains many overlays of myriad space-time energy dynamics. It is indeed a Crystalline Portal, but we will say an open-ended portal that is not just a wormhole in space to other points in the Cosmos, but indeed (and especially) a unique gateway to other dimensional aspects of what may be termed the hologramic Omni-Earth program. It may be termed a time-gate vector. It is one of many coordinate points on your planet that contain within it time code scripting. Such coordinate points are anchors that peg each reality to the physical worlds, the Omni-Earth. And so then, within this concentric overlay vector other time programs; other dimensional realms can be frequencially accessed more easily. The ancient adepts knew this, and certainly experienced to varying degrees by many of what you term as the indigenous.
Time Gate Vectors are not the only means to access other realities. Indeed this can be done myriad ways, including the crystalline energies of the phi resonance, in deep meditative states. But what is different in the Time- Gate Vector coordinate-points is that the Omni-Earth Time program itself is anchored, to use a simplified explanation, to certain aligned points that occur on your planet, within certain frequencial matrixes. These are very unique in purpose, and differ from areas such as Titicaca, Arkansas, Grand Tetons, Shasta and Roslyn that are primary Celestial Star Gates. In the former one access other realms, other epochs, other programs of terrestrial time, whereas in the latter one travels to other dimensions in Space. Do you see the difference?
Question to Metatron: Are you saying that Arkansas and other such 'Time-Gate Vectors' allow for or enhance the ability to travel in time?
Metatron: Yes. But let us be clear, it is better to say that all programs of hologramic times programs coexist more clearly, more tangibly within such points. That does not mean that when one walks into the Crystalline Vortex of Arkansas that you will disappear from the present and materialize into a future or past program, rather it means windows into other time-sequence frames are (more) accessible here. But we will indeed tell you that materializations can and do occur here quite intentionally and occasional by accident. We will tell you those more technological civilizations, both from the future and past in your terms, which understand the very real science of time travel chose such time gate vectors for entering other epochs for various purposes. Indeed this can has and does occur.
Time Travel
Time travel has occurred in both your future and past. Although there are instances in which people have temporarily passed into different time holograms, there are very few cases where the transition was permanent. Your Admiral Byrd did in fact temporarily view a very real passing into a different time epoch during his polar flight. Most of the flight disappearances that are so publicized over the Bermuda Triangle were not permanent transferals. Time disruption did occur, but the airplanes did not fully disappear into another epoch of time. Rather were they caused by related instrument malfunctions that created misdirection and radio silence, and the disappearances were simply crashes into the sea.
Certain of your governments working in classified tandem with covert corporations have already developed crude mechanisms of time travel. These are not yet at a truly manageable level, and the stress that results on the human 'tempornaut' is considerable, stress-aging the human body approximately 7 to 10 years on each journey. At present they are only able to move forward in time about 20 years, and are unable to navigate into the past. In time, when the apparatus utilized is converted from magnetic forces to crystalline bioplasmic field this will be improved considerably, and time navigation will be deliberate and not by random mishap. Optimal time navigation occurs Mer-Ka-Nically through a consciousness refined Bio Plasmic field, and while certainly aided in terms of time vector by crystalline apparatus, it is primarily operated by the light-consciousness quotient of the traveler. Many of you time travel in dream state quite often, and therein is the key to how it will be optimally done when you learn to be more lucid in expansive conscious states.
There are indeed Laws of Physics that apply to how time and space are navigated interdimensionally. Eventually mankind will rediscover these laws. And when this takes place, the seeming boundaries between past, present and future will be better understood. As we have already explained duality experience in the third dimension contains programmed parameters that limit mankind's greater dimensionality perception.
It is indeed these 3d single lens filters that create the linear illusion of sequential unfolding of time. This then is precisely the reason mankind believes that one moment exists and is gone forever, and the next moment comes and like the one before also evaporates into the great elusive mist of the past. We tell you that everything in and on the Omni-Earth and indeed the Multiverse exists at once, simultaneously. The past, present and future only appear to those who exist within three-dimensional reality. And the programs that separate time-epoch files on the Omni-Earth can be navigated.
The Past is Not Fixed
The past and future as you 'believe it to be' exists as a series of electromagnetic receptors held in the crystalline portion of the physical brain and in the nonphysical mind within the ultra violet field. These electromagnetic codlings can be changed, and in fact are in constant flux. You script your destiny, and your destiny is not a linear one- way dynamic. Your creation of your past is just as important as the creation of your present and future. The past then, is quite malleable and no more fixed than your future. Now, your mental process and beliefs create your past, and there are as many valid versions of the past as there are of the future. We tell you that if the next generation were all to be taught from an early age that the Roman Empire ruled the world until the 17th century, indeed that past would become a reality, and evidence would be found to confirm it. Yet it would be a completely different past from which the older generation constructed. But BOTH would be true. Both would be separate yet valid files within the hologramic programs of time.
As humans in duality, you take it for granted that present action can change the future, but present actions can and do change the past as well. The past is no more detached or uninvolved from your present than the decisions you make today. We share a great truth for you to ponder, and that is that everything you do effects your past, and you can accordingly remove what you may term traumas and misactions that occurred years ago or lifetimes ago from your present stance. Furthermore, all of you are required to do so! The electromagnetic crystallographic portals within the human brain are forged and mantled totally and completely by each of you, and uniquely so. The probable past can be changed, and such changes are far from uncommon. These changes do happen spontaneously on a subconscious basis. You can now learn to do this consciously by entering Quantum Consciousness via Mer-Ka-Na.
The linear aspect of the past is rarely what you remember it to be. In fact you constantly rearrange your memory of the past with the experience of each new moment, each new occurrence. It is a constant metamorphosis from the instant of any given experiential event. Your hypnotherapists are aware that pseudo-memories of fictitious or altered past events can be implanted in the brains of humans through deep state inducement, and in a very real sense these memories and they way they effect the subjects present become quite real. So, it follows to reason that the future, present and past are always re-created by each individual as beliefs, attitudes and associations evolve and change. And take note that what occurs is a real-time actual recreation, not a metaphoric one. The changes you make are quite real. The small inner child is indeed still within the adult human as you progress in years. But that inner child is also dynamic, not molded into a permanent version that remains as it was. The child within the human constantly changes every day, as does the teenager, young adult and elderly you in your future.
Re-Scripting the Past
Accordingly, it is now incumbent on you as you enter the Ascension energies, to grasp the power of NOW, and realize that you can and must change the past, your individual past, from the stance of Now.. Within the NOW, you can convert to the Mer-Ka-Na and as such gain the controls of all within your multidimensionality. That is a sacred Universal Truth, and that Truth expands when you enter into it. It expands into power that allows you the fulcrum of co creation in the singular moment of NOW, above linear time and hologramic sojourns within time in the Omni Earth.
We tell you that personal issues and blockages can and do arise when appropriate evolvement of the past are stymied and not allowed to spontaneously take place. In some scenarios serious neurosis occurs precisely because an individual has not changed his or her past. For example, a lifetime may be chosen in which you a part of a catastrophic event that results in a traumatic loss of life. This may have been chosen for myriad reasons of growth. Perhaps, as one example, in sequential lifetimes the entity is far more appreciative of time spent with love ones because of having learned that life can seemingly end unexpectedly.
Yet such powerful traumas that were chosen for lesson in one life time are often so emotionally over-charged that they can and do bleed over and negatively affect other lifetime programs. This untoward over-bleed may express itself as an intense fear of flying or perhaps a fear of water from drowning, and such. Masters, you can enter into Quantum Consciousness and remove the negative, retain the growth lesson, and replace the event entirely with a positive alternative. You can change the past!
While it is incumbent upon you to truly understand that there was indeed a reason, that you have chosen to experience any trauma, it is also true that some of the traumatic or less desirable experiences simply have the purpose of showing you what can occur if you do not consciously create your own realities. If you hold a mental state of belief that the world is evil, or that you are undeserving, that very individualized mental projection will faithfully draw untoward experience into the physical reality in which your mindset manifested it. In all cases, however, you have the ability and need to draw the lesson, and then change, dissolve the past experience into a more positive one. This is requisite, and can be done consciously in Mer-Ka-Va and Mer-Ka-Na levels of consciousness.
The key again, is understanding that all realities are in flux. All can be altered.
Quantum Consciousness
Masters, Your realities in all sojourns are constantly in a state of fluidity. Nothing you have experienced is written in stone, but humanity has in large forgotten this truth. So we tell you that each scenario you experience is but one of many potentials from an immense menu of possibility. The ones you do not experience, in your terms, are just as valid as the ones you do. Accordingly you have the ability to go back at any vector thru Mer-Ka-Na Quantum Consciousness, to change any reality. If you have chosen (and all of you have) a particularly traumatic experience, you can alter it to one that is of your choosing. Always remember that the world is indeed formed holographically by your thought processes in actual image reflection of your own creation. When you truly understand that your physical experiences and environs are fully the materialization of your own structured mental creation and beliefs, then you hold the key to unlocking the door to scripting the future and indeed rescripting what you think of as the past.
This is manifested through intent and optimal use of your divine will. But this requires concentrated deliberation and focal effort. In the course of realizing your true power, free will is a double edged sword until wisdom and enlightenment is re-acquired. Using your free will haphazardly in less conscious lifetimes can and does make physical reality into something quite less than what it can optimally be in your sojourns. But again from over view, this also has the ultimate result through cause and effect of your greater growth. You are attending the 'University of Duality' on the Earth-Plane to learn how to responsibly create, and that involves the process of working out problems and challenges.
On a higher level, humanity remains aware of its true inner nature and divinity, and of its spiritual purpose and nonphysical source. But most of mankind has lost contact with this wisdom in 3d. You have focused so strongly upon the density of physical reality that it has become the only reality that you consider and thus empower.
Positive Process - The Multidimensional 'Law of Attraction'
In the present moment of awareness you can proactively program the mind to focus on positive. If you image positive visualizations about any difficult or untoward scenario your mind will project telepathic waves of energy for positive transition. As such you can learn to dissolve a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite.
It is not sufficient however to merely repress negative thoughts, such as self-loathing, fears, angers, guilts, or resentment. Rather these must be recognized, confronted and replaced. By deep inward auditing of thoughts and feelings, you can take an inventory of your emotional field and tie it to erroneous belief systems. In fact the trial and error nature of cause and effect will ultimately lead you to such a clearing. Better sooner than later.
So through intent, learn to recognize negative patterns when dense or negative feelings occur. Then immediately replace these with a happier, joyful positive feeling. But herein, it is easy to misunderstand, and simply repress negativity in a wide sweeping dismissal. It is a far more complex scope to resolve, but none the less, can be resolved.
You see in some scenarios, the natural reaction to one who may attempt to dominate you is not inappropriate. It is wrong in certain cases to allow another's will to control you. You should not apologize when someone steps on your foot. In time you will learn that you can retain your integral integrity by reacting from a state of dis-passioned non-emotional reaction. And thus not become engrossed in a game of negative thought-form ping-pong. Your Mahatma Ghandi taught this through example. Becoming involved in duals of aggressive anger can quickly create energy fields so dynamically charged and enormous that they bleed into other lifetimes as well as negatively impact the present one. And accordingly these can and must be eventually cleared.
Now, your multidimensionality of simultaneous lives comes into an interesting dynamic here. In multidimensional overview, what each 'lifetime version of you' projects in terms of desires and system of belief is projected forward and that energy can and does bleed over into the full array of your multidimensional quantum field. This influences to varying degrees the 'Law of Attraction'.
For example, let's imagine that you are in a 'present' lifetime in which you are trying to create abundance. But in a dozen or so 'previous' lifetimes you were a monk or priest who took poverty vows and disassociated with 'materialism'. You believe in these other lifetimes that 'money is the root of all evil'. And so you have one aspect of you trying to create abundance, and a dozen versions rejecting it. The quantum physics of mass energy projection are clear. In this example there is a greater energy rejecting 'abundance' than there is trying to attract it. So the 'past' belief system must be changed from the soul level. The past lives must be re-entered in a state of Quantum Consciousness and replaced with a belief that 'money is not evil, it is energy and we can use it for positive sustenance. The monk lifetimes can still choose to live in simplicity but no longer believe that money is evil.
Past Life Trauma
As an example of past life traumas over bleeding, we share with you this example. The channel has some close associates who at times sense a great panic of claustrophobia and paranoia in large crowds. He is aware that this is due to the associates having a traumatic past life bleed of escaping the chaotic rampage of Athens with children in hand hours before the invading Turks destroyed the city. Literally leaving all behind and running in terror for their lives, with children in tow.
Now we tell you that many of the souls that were drawn into this experience in Athens, were pulled into the re-enactment because the trauma they felt when desperately attempting to escape the shaking earth of Atlantis along the land bridge that connected to the Yucatan created such an electrical charge in their multidimensional self that it became a recurring energy. Such is the power of extreme emotion and fear. The Law of Attraction works in all of your Earthly sojourns. Any event can bleed over into another, and attract by its intensity, similar experience. This occurs both on an individual level and en masse. A mass trauma of negative charged emotion is exemplified by your world wars. Your WWII was indeed a recurring bleed-over of the Atlantean conflict between the Aryans and Poseidons. Your current wars in the Middle East are a recurrence of the Crusades.
At some point mankind will simply realize the waste and futility of such conflict. You will in time learn that war will never end by hating war. Rather war will end by loving peace. Such is the power of love, it is far far more potent than hate.
This is a perfect example of past life trauma occurring and osmotically effecting the present in the simultaneous NOW. If that probable past is faced and deliberately changed, it can and will eliminate the panic disorder and the resulting neurosis. It does so by changing the past. When you rescript your past and change the experience of the past, the fear behind it is eliminated. It is as if the trauma never occurred, and that is exactly what happens. This is but one example. So irregardless of the specific details, all of you have traumas in the past that can and will be altered in order for you to gain the perfection required in enlightened co creation within Quantum Consciousness. Do not be dismayed, this is quite do-able, and in a subconscious level you have done it many times in dream state. We assure you it can consciously be done in the Mer-Ka-Na within the NOW state of Quantum Consciousness.
And precisely because the past, present and future exist simultaneously, there is no reason why you cannot react to an event and alter it whether or not it happens to fall within the limited scope of reality in which you normally participate. You have the ability to remove trauma from the past, and from an over view that is the final completing portion of the lesson and a part of why you chose the experience in the first place.
Time - Dimensional Portals
Now, the LeMurians who escaped the islands of Mu going into the inner realms of the Earth did not simply do so by spelunking. They did not suddenly find a cave and venture deeper and deeper into it until they stumbled upon a vast inner world chasm. Rather they entered into a different program of the Omni Earth precisely by gathering in a Dimensional-Time Gate coordinate portal and raising their frequency through intent and self-mastery in order to shift into another hologram. This process was also followed in a far more scientific protocol and technique by the Atlanteans of the Golden Era, and for different purpose. The LeMurians relied primarily on natural time gate vectors; whereas the Atlanteans had sophisticated devices and crystals that created time gates. Yet both required Mastery of the Self to raise the vibratory level to different frequencies.
Many humans have experienced the dimensional gate aspects of Arkansas, Shasta and the Grand Tetons, and have read of Guy Ballard's (Founder of the IAM Movement) exploits with the Beloved Saint Germaine and the Ascended Masters in the Etheric Light Cities above and inside these mountains. Although in truth, these light cities are neither above nor below in a directional sense, rather separate programs occurring in the same spaceless space, and accessed by Dimensional-Portals anchored to the specific energy matrix of these locations. These areas, these etheric light cities are key coding points on your planet. All of you will at some point spend time within them. Consider them graduate schools. There access involves the same mechanism as time gates. Well to visit these areas and exercise consciously what you already know how to do in subconscious dream states. Indeed you visit these areas quite often in dream states.
Dear Ones, Those of you that are only now beginning to explore the inner self, and are attempting to digest ideas that may initially seem unrealistic or grandiose in terms of the true nature of the Cosmos, of greater reality, and your true creative power,. As a result you may face conflicts with the status quo programming of the ego mind in 3d. The programming of duality mind will tell you that this is fantasy, and stir doubts that inhibit your movement to greater truth. Remember what you mentally accept, what your mindset believes, is projected into your reality manifestation.
So it may be appropriate for you to acknowledge that you do not consciously as yet realize the depths of your whole Beingness. So Masters widen your system of belief and adjust the mental parameters. When you do this your goals and indeed your challenges will automatically expand for greater good. The Truths we share with you in this moment can be used to embellish wisdom and expatiate your inner horizons toward an ennobling path of discovery, knowledge and wisdom. You will find that this is a direction that, when doubt is removed, empowers you on the homeward journey that your inner self has already paved for you. Discernment is always necessary, so listen closely to the inner voice, and do not allow fear or doubt of the ego-mind to block the divine inner guidance that will lead you home.
The ability to become unfixed in time, and indeed navigate within it, has a succinct utility that serves the integral healing of the whole self within multidimensionality. Certain areas on your planet make accessing the time holograms and multidimensional aspects somewhat easier. Grimes Point, Grand Tetons, Arkansas and Mount Shasta are among the most potent of these in North America. Globally, Titikaka, Roslyn, Montserrat, Giza, Minas Gerais Brazil, Gobi, Lake Baikal and Mt Fuji are among the most potent. This is due to the frequencial energies that are exuded within these portals. Yet it can be achieved in Mer-Ka-Na field at any point. No event is 'written in stone' nor predestined. Any given event can be changed not only before and during but after its occurrence. Scripting your future and changing the past remains one of the final challenges for many of you, and no time is more potent than NOW.
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths.
And so it is.

September 23, 2010

Adrial, 9/22/10

 It is with great pleasure that I again welcome Adrial, a most beautiful celestial of this universe.
Greeting to all. Those of you who have been reading the messages at this site since 2008 have most rightly concluded that the fear-based problems of Earth and her human inhabitants will not be solved using 3rd dimensional solutions. There are no tools in the 3rd dimension to overcome the fear, lies, war, greed, and power struggles that go on in the 3rd dimension. A more radical approach must be imposed: Moving beyond the enslaving institutions and beliefs of the 3rd dimension to living in higher frequencies based on love and light.
We who observe and prepare you for the great transformation, and there are many of us from around the universe, have known this since the beginning of our involvement – many years ago. Since there is no way out of the 3rd dimension except through transformation, let us explore some of what it will be like in the higher frequencies. What will remain the same? What will be different?
Earth has stated that she is not going away; rather she is ascending to a higher, lighter frequency. She will then function as a brilliant sphere that many souls will desire to experience. Actually she is returning to the frequency that she enjoyed prior to being overwhelmed by the dark energy. From this you can deduce that much of what you perceive as your physical environment will remain intact, albeit somewhat modified. Oceans, mountains, and plains will take on a new brilliance. Deserts will turn green. Plants will have new vibrancies; some will no longer be present. Earth’s animal kingdom will reorganize itself, as all will be based on Oneness. This applies to insects, birds, and fish, as well as mammals.
Humans will be present on Earth, basking in her higher frequencies. Indications of this are the myriad children being born with extraordinary facilities of awareness. These crystal or indigo children are the forerunners of the humans of the new Earth. They will be teachers of their elders who remain with Earth as she ascends to the higher frequencies. The children, easily adapting to a higher frequency world, will lead the way to creating a pristine paradise for humanity.
You will notice major changes in your own body, as well as those of others, as physicality resonates with Earth’s higher frequency. The more sensitive among you are already feeling changes in your bodies. Think of people you know functioning exclusively from a place of love. Imagine yourself infused with light, functioning from a place of love, relating to others with love. You and those who transition to the new Earth will be transformed, and the ways in which you act will be quite different. You will live longer and your body will gradually become younger in support of your new frequency.
The humans of the new Earth will still eat and drink. They will still need shelter, as the climate will moderate but not become tropical. Humans will desire relationships with each other. And humans of the new Earth will want to organize themselves in various ways. Since all will be functioning from a place of love, for no other vibration will be comfortable at these new levels of light, and everyone will be telepathic, organizations will take on new dimensions among people who are functioning from Oneness. There will be little need for organizations such as governments, and there will be no military or police.
Since people will still require food and shelter, and since not everyone will have similar abilities to provide these, there will be a barter system. And since there are limits to bartering, a monetary system will come into existence. Such things as these will happen rather quickly as people “remember” how to construct such a system. (This will be much different than the gradual evolution of monetary systems that occurred historically.) People will recall how the monetary systems of old did not serve them, so there will be no lending or ability to use the monetary system for power of one over another. As previously explored in these messages, elaborate constructs such as corporations will be unnecessary.
Beliefs, and the institutions associated with them, will disappear as people learn to rely on truth. The true nature of man as a soul having a bodily experience will be the basis of all, along with the truth about the elegance of man’s soul. The truth about mankind’s history on this planet will be unveiled. The truth about God and His universe will become apparent with the appearance of our brothers and sisters from other star systems. Truth will be the norm, so education will be quite different among people who “know” rather than believe. There will be no opportunity for one to seek advantage over another by using their superior insights or abilities. Rather education will be a collaborative learning experience involving beings from around the universe.
There will be no disease caused by fear, stress, viruses, bacteria, or parasites; these are part of the 3rd dimension fear-based paradigm. There may be a need for doctors to attend to the occasional broken arm, but physical bodies will be universally healthy within Earth’s new environment. People will be educated to honor and care for their physical health; this will be the principle activity of the “medical” profession. Things like massage will still be required for those who over-tax their bodies, but the absence of stress and the ability to adjust one’s physical form will eliminate much of the need for any type of outside assistance.
The environmental problems caused by the burning of fossil fuels and mining for such fuels, plus minerals and metals will be terminated. Machinery that depends on the burning of fossil fuels will no longer function as supplies disappear. Transportation will grind to a halt, as will the production of electricity from fossil fuels. Alternative technologies will be introduced to provide electricity; new technologies will be introduced to replace existing machines.
In the higher dimensions you will immediately notice that there are fewer people on Earth. Only those who can truly enjoy the higher frequencies will be present. Those of you who desire to ascend with Earth will discover ways to increase your frequency. Some individuals will immediately ascend to much higher frequencies, there they will then act as mentors and coaches for those in the lower frequencies, such is done today by your brothers and sisters from other star systems.
You might glean from the above that the process of transforming Earth to a higher frequency might take some time. That more gradual process was to have started many years ago; it has been repeatedly delayed by the actions of the dark energy and its minions, as they cling to the last vestiges of their power and wealth in order to maintain the status quo, and continue the enslavement of mankind. As it stands today, the transformation will be swift, occurring over the coming months. We see the monetary system as the first man-made construct to crumble. Governments, corporations, and religions will quickly follow.
The collapse of man made structures is playing out against a background of energies coming to Earth from distant sources. These energies are already impacting everyone’s’ physical and emotional body. Physical disabilities are surfacing. Emotions are being exaggerated. Relationships are being tested. The process of transforming humans from carbon-based to crystal can be a somewhat painful and disconcerting experience. Earth is also receiving these energies as witnessed by the extraordinary “natural” and man-made disasters, plus extreme weather, all occurring since the beginning of the year. These will intensify in the coming months as Earth sheds the remaining vestiges of the darkness of the 3rd dimension.(...)

Mark Kimmel

Moraine and Justine, 9/2/10

 Navigating the 4th

 It is with great pleasure that I again welcome Moraine and Justine, for their experience in the Altair system can give us insights into what is before us.

Greetings: Today we wish to discuss the challenges you will face after you have raised your frequency to the 4th dimensions, after your existing structures and beliefs have disappeared, after the earth shifts are completed, and your lives have been vastly changed. This is the moment when you will find yourselves in a love-dominated civilization. It will be exquisite if you allow yourselves to flow with the changes. We are offering this communication based on our experience on Supsten after we transitioned.
We see fear-based choices and actions gradually subsiding as love based choices and actions replace them. This is an on-going process; one that will continue until love becomes the dominant way of being. Each human on Earth is being asked to choose whether they wish to move into this strange, new love-dominated culture. The summation of these many choices creates a new way of being, a new civilization.
There is a moment when you will shift from linear time to the “now.” One moment you are in linear time the next moment you are in the now. You will perceive that something has changed, in fact all has changed — for you will see all differently. So this is your first challenge. How will you navigate in this new way of perceiving, this new way of experiencing?
The second challenge has to do with your body, in that you will feel lighter. Old aches and pains will be gone. You will have perfect eyesight and hearing, and your touch will be extraordinarily sensitive. Things will smell so wonderful, and their taste will be glorious. This may be quite a pleasant shock. How will you accommodate yourself to this situation?
Many of your actions today are designed to avoid disease. In the 4th dimension, the diseases introduced by the dark energy are unknown. Your bodies will vibrate at a frequency that disease can no longer reside with them. Many of you have become attuned to living with physical disabilities and accosted by disease, how will you now function? How will you go about your new life without worrying about catching one disease or another.
Relationships are the next challenge. Everyone will perceive things a little differently. There will have been no conditioning as to how you are to perceive, no parents to coach you, no prescribed box in which you fit, no rules or regulations. It will be wonderful, but also quite disconcerting.
The next challenge is to manage telepathy, for you will have this marvelous gift after the shift to the 4th dimension. For the first time (for most of you), you will be able to communicate without words. You will merely think a message you wish to send to another and it will be transmitted. Others will be sending you messages also. In fact you will be receiving large numbers of messages simultaneously, and you may initially feel bombarded with the thoughts of others. Your first challenge will be to filter what you wish to receive and what you do not. Discrimination is the order of the day, then learning to manage what you wish to say to another.
Once you have mastered the basics of telepathy you can begin to establish relationships with other people. Keep in mind that everyone will be operating from a basis of love – this alone will be quite a change. There will be no judgments – after all everyone is in the same situation. How do you relate to someone who can receive your honest transmission without the filter of conventional politeness, without the filter of your emotions, or your choice of words?
We have spoken of the absence of fear. Today you are immersed in a fear-dominated paradigm. Almost all aspects of your current environment and many of your relationships are built on fear. Fear of being cold leads you to build shelters. Fear of being hungry leads you to purchase and store food. Fear of rejection inhibits your relationships or may cause you to purchase a certain product. Fear of poverty leads you to achieve and to save. Fear of authority determines your actions. Many of your beliefs are fear based. Those who control you use fear as a major tactic. Fear is the bases for almost everything of your current civilization; no one lives without its effects. How will you react to the 4th dimension where there is no fear to constrain you or proscribe your actions?
One corollary of your fear-based society is that each of you has established a comfort zone in which you live your lives. You have your daily routines. You have your circle of friends and relatives. You have your favorite foods and drinks, and your favorite pastimes. Your comfort zone is the result of coping with a fear-dominated civilization. When you no longer living in your comfort zone, how will you react? Moving forward is an individual choice. Some will make this choice, others will not, as they find that their current situation is too comfortable and familiar to risk giving up.
If you are now highly conscious, elements of the new reality of which we speak may come upon you gradually, then one day you will wake up and all of it will be before you. It is not that you are un-prepared to deal with any one aspect of your new reality, it is that you will now deal with all of it simultaneously. We can attest from personal experience, that this will be quite challenging, as you can no longer fall back on old familiar ways of acting.
We have also spoken of the need for all manmade structures that are based on fear to disappear so that others may take their places. However, do not expect this to happen instantaneously. Supplanting existing constructs cannot happen quickly; constructs based on fear – governments, monetary systems, corporations, and religions – took many years to build. It will take time to reestablish loved-based versions of them. (More about this in a subsequent communication.) Likewise all beliefs that are fear based will disappear to make way for truth.
Will this transition be easy or quick? No. It will be gradual as individuals change. The mass of people changes only slowly, one person at a time. There will be no mass conversion to a basis of love. It will take place one individual at a time. Beliefs change slowly, not in an instant. Look at your own experience, Mark, it has taken several years for you to move from a fear-based individual to one based in love, and throughout this you were quite open to the whole process. You are a natural risk taker. For someone who is by his or her nature more cautious, change will come more slowly. So it is with the majority of the population; they are not risk takers. Only a small percentage of any population are leaders who will show the way.
Layer these factors of the transition onto the changes Earth is undertaking as she moves from a fossil fuel based civilization to one that does not puncture or gouge her skin, and you have the makings of the great transition in which Earth and all of you are engaged. It is any wonder that there was a waiting line to see who would incarnate at this moment? This is exciting stuff. The drama is intense as we watch it inch forward day by day.
The institute we are creating will allow us to come and assist humans to navigate in their new way of being, for the transition to a love based civilization will take some getting used to. For now we broadcast energy, walk among you working in select situations, and interact with selected people. In the future we wish to broaden this interaction and work with many to help them accommodate themselves to all the new things of which we have spoken.

Thank you, Moraine and Justine. I look forward to learning more from your experiences.
In Truth, Love and Joy,
Mark Kimmel